Iwo Godzwon
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Iwo's datasets

Description: The dataset named "ObesityDataSet_raw_and_data_sinthetic.csv" comprises comprehensive attributes aimed at the analysis and prediction of obesity levels among individuals. It captures a…
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2111 instances - 17 features - classes - 0 missing values
Description: The dataset, named "clean_tweet_Dec19ToDec20.csv," comprises a collection of tweets post-processed for clarity and analysis, spanning from December 2019 to December 2020. It is designed…
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134348 instances - 3 features - classes - 18 missing values
Description: The dataset, named "clean_tweet_Dec19ToDec20.csv," comprises a collection of tweets post-processed for clarity and analysis, spanning from December 2019 to December 2020. It is designed…
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134348 instances - 3 features - classes - 18 missing values
This dataset captures transaction patterns and behaviors that could indicate potential fraud in card transactions. The data is composed of several features designed to reflect the transactional…
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1000000 instances - 8 features - classes - 0 missing values
Description: This dataset, named Crime_Data_from_2020_to_Present.csv, provides a detailed record of reported criminal incidents in a given area from the year 2020 onwards. It includes comprehensive…
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932140 instances - 28 features - classes - 5113856 missing values
Description: The "postings.csv" dataset comprises various job postings across different companies and locations. It includes detailed information on job titles, job descriptions, salaries, and…
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123849 instances - 28 features - classes - 1133501 missing values
Description: The dataset games.csv is a comprehensive collection of chess game records, providing detailed insights into game outcomes, player ratings, moves, and opening strategies. It consists of…
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20058 instances - 16 features - classes - 0 missing values
Description: This dataset, named "heart_failure_clinical_records.csv", consists of clinical records of patients with heart failure. It includes various attributes such as age, anaemia, creatinine…
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5000 instances - 13 features - classes - 0 missing values
Description: The "heart_failure_clinical_records.csv" dataset comprises clinical records of patients with heart failure, detailing various medical attributes that may contribute to heart failure…
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5000 instances - 13 features - classes - 0 missing values
Description: The Electric_Vehicle_Population_Data.csv dataset provides a comprehensive overview of the electric vehicle (EV) population within a specific region, highlighting key information about the…
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181458 instances - 17 features - classes - 421 missing values
Description: This dataset "Taxi_Trips_-_2024_20240408.csv" contains information on taxi trips in Chicago starting from February 2024. The dataset includes trip ID, taxi ID, trip start and end…
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865247 instances - 23 features - classes - 1514769 missing values
Description: This dataset contains information about real estate properties in Amsterdam. It includes details such as address, zip code, price, area size, number of rooms, longitude, and latitude…
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924 instances - 8 features - classes - 4 missing values
Description: This dataset contains information about real estate properties in Amsterdam. It includes details such as address, zip code, price, area size, number of rooms, longitude, and latitude…
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924 instances - 8 features - classes - 4 missing values
Description: The dataset contains information about various products, their stock levels, prices, and the locations where they are sold. Columns description: 1. Product: Represents the name of the…
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73503 instances - 4 features - classes - 0 missing values
Description: This dataset contains information about the products, stock levels, prices, and locations of sales. Columns description: - Product: the name of the products sold. - Stock: the quantity of…
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This is the description of a test dataset
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73503 instances - 3 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
fake dataset without any value
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73503 instances - 4 features - classes - 0 missing values
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73503 instances - 4 features - classes - 0 missing values
Test dataset to see upload.
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73503 instances - 4 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
Predicting forest cover ...
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73503 instances - 4 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values