Vehicle classification in distributed sensor networks. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 64(7):826-838, July 2004. This is the SensIT Vehicle (combined) dataset, retrieved 2013-11-14 from…
403 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
98528 instances - 101 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
This is the poker dataset, retrieved 2013-11-14 from the libSVM site. Additional to the preprocessing done there (see LibSVM site for details), this dataset was created as follows: -join test and…
23 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
1025010 instances - 11 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
Andrew V Uzilov, Joshua M Keegan, and David H Mathews. Detection of non-coding RNAs on the basis of predicted secondary structure formation free energy change. BMC Bioinformatics, 7(173), 2006. This…
31 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
488565 instances - 9 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
Fast training of support vector machines using sequential minimal optimization. In Bernhard Schölkopf, Christopher J. C. Burges, and Alexander J. Smola, editors, Advances in Kernel Methods - Support…
564 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
36974 instances - 124 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
This data set addresses a control problem, namely flying a F16 aircraft. The attributes describe the status of the aeroplane, while the goal is to predict the control action on the ailerons of the…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
13750 instances - 41 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
This is the famous covertype dataset in its binary version, retrieved 2013-11-13 from the libSVM site (called covtype.binary there). Additional to the preprocessing done there (see LibSVM site for…
22 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
581012 instances - 55 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
This is the famous Australian dataset, retrieved 2014-11-14 from the libSVM site. It was normalized. Source: Statlog / Australian # of classes: 2 # of data: 690 # of features: 14
957 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
690 instances - 15 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values