Task type
All Survival Analysis tasks

Survival Analysis

Related to Regression. Given a dataset (typically consisting of patient data) predict a left timestamp (date entering the study), right timestamp (date of leaving the study), or both.


estimation_procedure Estimation Procedure The estimation procedure used to validate the generated models required
evaluation_measures String The evaluation measures to optimize for, e.g., cpu time, accuracy optional
source_data Dataset The input data for this task required
target_feature_event String The name of the feature that indicates the type of the event. required
target_feature_left String The name of the feature that indicates the start of the interval. optional
target_feature_right String The name of the feature that indicates the end of the interval. optional


evaluations KeyValue A list of user-defined evaluations of the task as key-value pairs. optional
model File A file containing the model built on all the input data. optional
predictions Predictions The desired output format optional


Author(s)"Benrd Bischl","Dominik Kirchhoff","Michel Lang","Jan van Rijn","Joaquin Vanschoren"