An extremely randomized tree classifier. Extra-trees differ from classic decision trees in the way they are built. When looking for the best split to separate the samples of a node into two groups,…
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A decision tree classifier.
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Classifier implementing the k-nearest neighbors vote.
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Linear classifiers (SVM, logistic regression, a.o.) with SGD training. This estimator implements regularized linear models with stochastic gradient descent (SGD) learning: the gradient of the loss is…
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Classifier using Ridge regression. This classifier first converts the target values into ``{-1, 1}`` and then treats the problem as a regression task (multi-output regression in the multiclass case).
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Naive Bayes classifier for multivariate Bernoulli models. Like MultinomialNB, this classifier is suitable for discrete data. The difference is that while MultinomialNB works with occurrence counts,…
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Gaussian Naive Bayes (GaussianNB) Can perform online updates to model parameters via :meth:`partial_fit`. For details on algorithm used to update feature means and variance online, see Stanford CS…
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