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0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9217, f_measure: 0.6414, kappa: 0.6097, kb_relative_information_score: 98755.2881, mean_absolute_error: 0.04, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6453, predictive_accuracy: 0.6408, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6408, relative_absolute_error: 0.4781, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1468, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7177,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9212, f_measure: 0.6408, kappa: 0.609, kb_relative_information_score: 98618.3328, mean_absolute_error: 0.04, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6448, predictive_accuracy: 0.6401, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6401, relative_absolute_error: 0.4787, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1468, root_relative_squared_error: 0.718,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9217, f_measure: 0.6423, kappa: 0.6106, kb_relative_information_score: 98872.4551, mean_absolute_error: 0.0399, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6464, predictive_accuracy: 0.6415, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6415, relative_absolute_error: 0.4775, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1467, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7172,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9214, f_measure: 0.6419, kappa: 0.6101, kb_relative_information_score: 98704.1062, mean_absolute_error: 0.04, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6462, predictive_accuracy: 0.6411, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6411, relative_absolute_error: 0.4784, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1468, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7177,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9217, f_measure: 0.6416, kappa: 0.6099, kb_relative_information_score: 98732.3459, mean_absolute_error: 0.04, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6455, predictive_accuracy: 0.6409, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6409, relative_absolute_error: 0.4784, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1468, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7179,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9224, f_measure: 0.6425, kappa: 0.6108, kb_relative_information_score: 98902.3749, mean_absolute_error: 0.04, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6465, predictive_accuracy: 0.6417, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6417, relative_absolute_error: 0.4777, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1465, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7166,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.922, f_measure: 0.6427, kappa: 0.6112, kb_relative_information_score: 98913.4291, mean_absolute_error: 0.0399, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6464, predictive_accuracy: 0.642, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.642, relative_absolute_error: 0.4773, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1466, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7168,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9261, f_measure: 0.6249, kappa: 0.591, kb_relative_information_score: 99055.9177, mean_absolute_error: 0.0406, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6336, predictive_accuracy: 0.6231, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6231, relative_absolute_error: 0.4853, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1476, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7217,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9156, f_measure: 0.6238, kappa: 0.5898, kb_relative_information_score: 98901.1641, mean_absolute_error: 0.0399, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6322, predictive_accuracy: 0.622, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.622, relative_absolute_error: 0.4773, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1488, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7274,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9301, f_measure: 0.6245, kappa: 0.5906, kb_relative_information_score: 99021.8645, mean_absolute_error: 0.0409, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6338, predictive_accuracy: 0.6227, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6227, relative_absolute_error: 0.489, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1473, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7202,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8465, f_measure: 0.609, kappa: 0.5747, kb_relative_information_score: 89747.0482, mean_absolute_error: 0.0389, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6103, predictive_accuracy: 0.6085, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6085, relative_absolute_error: 0.4649, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1694, root_relative_squared_error: 0.8282, scimark_benchmark: 473.1656, usercpu_time_millis: 167840, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 2610, usercpu_time_millis_training: 165230,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7641, f_measure: 0.3638, kappa: 0.3325, kb_relative_information_score: 60545.331, mean_absolute_error: 0.0624, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.4331, predictive_accuracy: 0.3796, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.3796, relative_absolute_error: 0.746, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1987, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9714, scimark_benchmark: 473.1656, usercpu_time_millis: 15370, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 7750, usercpu_time_millis_training: 7620,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.784, f_measure: 0.5956, kappa: 0.5607, kb_relative_information_score: 83210.6133, mean_absolute_error: 0.0368, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.5955, predictive_accuracy: 0.5958, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.5958, relative_absolute_error: 0.4394, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1917, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9373, scimark_benchmark: 478.0529, usercpu_time_millis: 2917790, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 2917750, usercpu_time_millis_training: 40,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8452, f_measure: 0.3768, kappa: 0.3378, kb_relative_information_score: 57585.448, mean_absolute_error: 0.0672, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.3845, predictive_accuracy: 0.3942, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.3942, relative_absolute_error: 0.8034, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1828, root_relative_squared_error: 0.8937, scimark_benchmark: 1233.3095, usercpu_time_millis: 2642300, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 1410, usercpu_time_millis_training: 2640890,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9435, f_measure: 0.5791, kappa: 0.5435, kb_relative_information_score: 81931.5088, mean_absolute_error: 0.0535, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.5827, predictive_accuracy: 0.5801, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.5801, relative_absolute_error: 0.6395, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1562, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7637, scimark_benchmark: 1217.9973, usercpu_time_millis: 13620, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 860, usercpu_time_millis_training: 12760,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8932, f_measure: 0.4334, kappa: 0.3912, kb_relative_information_score: 67488.0655, mean_absolute_error: 0.0624, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.4502, predictive_accuracy: 0.4361, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.4361, relative_absolute_error: 0.7455, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.176, root_relative_squared_error: 0.8605, scimark_benchmark: 1235.4442, usercpu_time_millis: 2490, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 1420, usercpu_time_millis_training: 1070,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.4999, f_measure: 0.0378, kb_relative_information_score: 1.3353, mean_absolute_error: 0.0836, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.0217, predictive_accuracy: 0.1473, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.1473, relative_absolute_error: 1, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.2045, root_relative_squared_error: 1, scimark_benchmark: 1241.5236, usercpu_time_millis: 240, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 190, usercpu_time_millis_training: 50,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7574, f_measure: 0.5485, kappa: 0.5094, kb_relative_information_score: 75993.7087, mean_absolute_error: 0.041, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.5484, predictive_accuracy: 0.5487, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.5487, relative_absolute_error: 0.4905, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.2026, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9905,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8465, f_measure: 0.609, kappa: 0.5747, kb_relative_information_score: 89747.0482, mean_absolute_error: 0.0389, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6103, predictive_accuracy: 0.6085, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6085, relative_absolute_error: 0.4649, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1694, root_relative_squared_error: 0.8282,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8546, f_measure: 0.3383, kappa: 0.2995, kb_relative_information_score: 56787.0957, mean_absolute_error: 0.0689, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.3627, predictive_accuracy: 0.3501, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.3501, relative_absolute_error: 0.8234, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.186, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9094, scimark_benchmark: 1230.3004, usercpu_time_millis: 3470, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 3260, usercpu_time_millis_training: 210,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8933, f_measure: 0.4335, kappa: 0.3912, kb_relative_information_score: 67612.0347, mean_absolute_error: 0.0623, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.4504, predictive_accuracy: 0.4361, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.4361, relative_absolute_error: 0.7444, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.176, root_relative_squared_error: 0.8604, scimark_benchmark: 1230.3004, usercpu_time_millis: 2510, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 1380, usercpu_time_millis_training: 1130,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8546, f_measure: 0.3383, kappa: 0.2995, kb_relative_information_score: 56787.0957, mean_absolute_error: 0.0689, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.3627, predictive_accuracy: 0.3501, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.3501, relative_absolute_error: 0.8234, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.186, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9094, scimark_benchmark: 1230.3004, usercpu_time_millis: 3390, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 3200, usercpu_time_millis_training: 190,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.6553, f_measure: 0.0717, kappa: 0.0279, kb_relative_information_score: 19545.193, mean_absolute_error: 0.0809, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.0477, predictive_accuracy: 0.148, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.148, relative_absolute_error: 0.9674, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.2011, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9835, scimark_benchmark: 473.1656, usercpu_time_millis: 940, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 440, usercpu_time_millis_training: 500,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8225, f_measure: 0.2439, kappa: 0.2035, kb_relative_information_score: 42830.8925, mean_absolute_error: 0.0747, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.236, predictive_accuracy: 0.2732, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.2732, relative_absolute_error: 0.8935, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1938, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9476, scimark_benchmark: 1254.1389, usercpu_time_millis: 169440, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 3560, usercpu_time_millis_training: 165880,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9301, f_measure: 0.6245, kappa: 0.5906, kb_relative_information_score: 99021.8645, mean_absolute_error: 0.0409, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6338, predictive_accuracy: 0.6227, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6227, relative_absolute_error: 0.489, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1473, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7202,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7795, f_measure: 0.5896, kappa: 0.5538, kb_relative_information_score: 82477.3409, mean_absolute_error: 0.0373, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.5899, predictive_accuracy: 0.5894, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.5894, relative_absolute_error: 0.4463, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1932, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9448,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception:
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : The element type "oml:parameter_setting" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "".
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception:
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : The element type "oml:parameter_setting" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "".
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : The element type "oml:parameter_setting" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "".
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : The element type "oml:component" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "".
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : The element type "oml:component" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "".
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : The element type "oml:component" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "".
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : The element type "oml:parameter_setting" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "".
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : The element type "oml:component" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "".
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8982, f_measure: 0.6215, kappa: 0.5867, kb_relative_information_score: 98308.9695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0391, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0836, number_of_instances: 149332, precision: 0.6302, predictive_accuracy: 0.6192, prior_entropy: 3.9917, recall: 0.6192, relative_absolute_error: 0.4675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2045, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1514, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7402,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: : The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.