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0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9156, f_measure: 0.9156, kappa: 0.8311, kb_relative_information_score: 747.8827, mean_absolute_error: 0.0844, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4998, number_of_instances: 900, precision: 0.9156, predictive_accuracy: 0.9156, prior_entropy: 0.9997, recall: 0.9156, relative_absolute_error: 0.169, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4999, root_mean_squared_error: 0.2906, root_relative_squared_error: 0.5813, scimark_benchmark: 946.6409,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.695, f_measure: 0.8523, kappa: 0.4392, kb_relative_information_score: 473.3071, mean_absolute_error: 0.1383, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.2814, number_of_instances: 1200, precision: 0.8487, predictive_accuracy: 0.8617, prior_entropy: 0.6626, recall: 0.8617, relative_absolute_error: 0.4916, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.3727, root_mean_squared_error: 0.3719, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9979, scimark_benchmark: 952.3393,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7396, f_measure: 0.9585, kappa: 0.5815, kb_relative_information_score: 674.1073, mean_absolute_error: 0.0374, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.114, number_of_instances: 1390, precision: 0.9585, predictive_accuracy: 0.9626, prior_entropy: 0.3425, recall: 0.9626, relative_absolute_error: 0.3281, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.233, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1934, root_relative_squared_error: 0.8302, scimark_benchmark: 944.5341,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.5, kb_relative_information_score: 0.2057, mean_absolute_error: 0.3428, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4507, number_of_instances: 601, predictive_accuracy: 0.6572, prior_entropy: 0.9274, recall: 0.6572, relative_absolute_error: 0.7605, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4746, root_mean_squared_error: 0.5855, root_relative_squared_error: 1.2335, scimark_benchmark: 913.9348, usercpu_time_millis: 50, usercpu_time_millis_training: 50,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9889, f_measure: 0.9892, kappa: 0.9783, kb_relative_information_score: 0.9783, mean_absolute_error: 0.0108, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4992, number_of_instances: 554, precision: 0.9893, predictive_accuracy: 0.9892, prior_entropy: 0.9989, recall: 0.9892, relative_absolute_error: 0.0217, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4996, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1041, root_relative_squared_error: 0.2083, scimark_benchmark: 941.3619, usercpu_time_millis: 30, usercpu_time_millis_training: 30,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7464, f_measure: 0.729, kappa: 0.4928, kb_relative_information_score: 0.4928, mean_absolute_error: 0.2536, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.5, number_of_instances: 556, precision: 0.8317, predictive_accuracy: 0.7464, prior_entropy: 1, recall: 0.7464, relative_absolute_error: 0.5072, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.5, root_mean_squared_error: 0.5036, root_relative_squared_error: 1.0072, scimark_benchmark: 941.3619, usercpu_time_millis: 40, usercpu_time_millis_training: 40,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9537, f_measure: 0.9682, kappa: 0.9283, kb_relative_information_score: 147.0579, mean_absolute_error: 0.0314, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4492, number_of_instances: 159, precision: 0.97, predictive_accuracy: 0.9686, prior_entropy: 0.9264, recall: 0.9686, relative_absolute_error: 0.07, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4736, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1773, root_relative_squared_error: 0.3744, scimark_benchmark: 1278.6629,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9759, f_measure: 0.9832, kappa: 0.9627, kb_relative_information_score: 0.9616, mean_absolute_error: 0.0167, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.453, number_of_instances: 958, precision: 0.9837, predictive_accuracy: 0.9833, prior_entropy: 0.931, recall: 0.9833, relative_absolute_error: 0.0369, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4759, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1292, root_relative_squared_error: 0.2716, scimark_benchmark: 639.2945, usercpu_time_millis: 150, usercpu_time_millis_training: 150,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9662, f_measure: 0.9662, kappa: 0.9323, kb_relative_information_score: 0.9322, mean_absolute_error: 0.0338, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.499, number_of_instances: 3196, precision: 0.9662, predictive_accuracy: 0.9662, prior_entropy: 0.9986, recall: 0.9662, relative_absolute_error: 0.0677, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4995, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1838, root_relative_squared_error: 0.368, scimark_benchmark: 639.2945, usercpu_time_millis: 680, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 10, usercpu_time_millis_training: 670,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7433, f_measure: 0.842, kappa: 0.5454, kb_relative_information_score: 0.5427, mean_absolute_error: 0.1477, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.3641, number_of_instances: 48842, precision: 0.8457, predictive_accuracy: 0.8523, prior_entropy: 0.7938, recall: 0.8523, relative_absolute_error: 0.4057, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4266, root_mean_squared_error: 0.3843, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9008, scimark_benchmark: 639.2945, usercpu_time_millis: 37080, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 270, usercpu_time_millis_training: 36810,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9619, f_measure: 0.9643, kappa: 0.9211, kb_relative_information_score: 0.9174, mean_absolute_error: 0.0358, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4519, number_of_instances: 699, precision: 0.9644, predictive_accuracy: 0.9642, prior_entropy: 0.9293, recall: 0.9642, relative_absolute_error: 0.0791, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4753, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1891, root_relative_squared_error: 0.3979, scimark_benchmark: 639.2945, usercpu_time_millis: 50, usercpu_time_millis_training: 50,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 1, f_measure: 1, kappa: 1, kb_relative_information_score: 1, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4994, number_of_instances: 8124, precision: 1, predictive_accuracy: 1, prior_entropy: 0.9991, recall: 1, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4997, scimark_benchmark: 639.2945, usercpu_time_millis: 4070, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 50, usercpu_time_millis_training: 4020,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8519, f_measure: 0.8453, kappa: 0.6915, kb_relative_information_score: 0.6844, mean_absolute_error: 0.1551, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.494, number_of_instances: 690, precision: 0.8564, predictive_accuracy: 0.8449, prior_entropy: 0.9912, recall: 0.8449, relative_absolute_error: 0.3139, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.497, root_mean_squared_error: 0.3938, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7924, scimark_benchmark: 639.2945, usercpu_time_millis: 150, usercpu_time_millis_training: 150,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.6781, f_measure: 0.739, kappa: 0.3688, kb_relative_information_score: 0.3463, mean_absolute_error: 0.256, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4202, number_of_instances: 1000, precision: 0.7361, predictive_accuracy: 0.744, prior_entropy: 0.8813, recall: 0.744, relative_absolute_error: 0.6093, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4583, root_mean_squared_error: 0.506, root_relative_squared_error: 1.1041, scimark_benchmark: 639.2945, usercpu_time_millis: 330, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 10, usercpu_time_millis_training: 320,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9179, f_measure: 0.9241, kappa: 0.8407, kb_relative_information_score: 0.8384, mean_absolute_error: 0.0756, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4776, number_of_instances: 4601, precision: 0.9242, predictive_accuracy: 0.9244, prior_entropy: 0.9674, recall: 0.9244, relative_absolute_error: 0.1584, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4886, root_mean_squared_error: 0.275, root_relative_squared_error: 0.5628, scimark_benchmark: 639.2945, usercpu_time_millis: 1360, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 10, usercpu_time_millis_training: 1350,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7304, f_measure: 0.771, kappa: 0.4861, kb_relative_information_score: 0.493, mean_absolute_error: 0.2214, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4545, number_of_instances: 768, precision: 0.774, predictive_accuracy: 0.7786, prior_entropy: 0.9331, recall: 0.7786, relative_absolute_error: 0.487, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4766, root_mean_squared_error: 0.4705, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9871, scimark_benchmark: 639.2945, usercpu_time_millis: 50, usercpu_time_millis_training: 50,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7386, f_measure: 0.7533, kappa: 0.4928, kb_relative_information_score: 0.5039, mean_absolute_error: 0.24, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4886, number_of_instances: 45312, precision: 0.7641, predictive_accuracy: 0.76, prior_entropy: 0.9835, recall: 0.76, relative_absolute_error: 0.4911, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4943, root_mean_squared_error: 0.4899, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9911, scimark_benchmark: 639.2945, usercpu_time_millis: 6930, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 90, usercpu_time_millis_training: 6840,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8507, f_measure: 0.8938, kappa: 0.7451, kb_relative_information_score: 12351.5368, mean_absolute_error: 0.1025, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4271, number_of_instances: 16599, precision: 0.8998, predictive_accuracy: 0.8975, prior_entropy: 0.8921, recall: 0.8975, relative_absolute_error: 0.2399, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4621, root_mean_squared_error: 0.3201, root_relative_squared_error: 0.6927, scimark_benchmark: 1327.035, usercpu_time_millis: 2250, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 20, usercpu_time_millis_training: 2230,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.6453, f_measure: 0.6468, kappa: 0.2916, kb_relative_information_score: 73.4163, mean_absolute_error: 0.352, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4989, number_of_instances: 250, precision: 0.6476, predictive_accuracy: 0.648, prior_entropy: 0.9984, recall: 0.648, relative_absolute_error: 0.7056, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4994, root_mean_squared_error: 0.5933, root_relative_squared_error: 1.188, scimark_benchmark: 1327.035, usercpu_time_millis: 10, usercpu_time_millis_training: 10,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.5862, f_measure: 0.597, kappa: 0.1762, kb_relative_information_score: 93.8906, mean_absolute_error: 0.396, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4913, number_of_instances: 500, precision: 0.5978, predictive_accuracy: 0.604, prior_entropy: 0.9875, recall: 0.604, relative_absolute_error: 0.806, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4956, root_mean_squared_error: 0.6293, root_relative_squared_error: 1.2697, scimark_benchmark: 1314.9535, usercpu_time_millis: 110, usercpu_time_millis_training: 110,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7912, f_measure: 0.8488, kappa: 0.584, kb_relative_information_score: 26008.4267, mean_absolute_error: 0.151, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.3641, number_of_instances: 48842, precision: 0.8486, predictive_accuracy: 0.849, prior_entropy: 0.7939, recall: 0.849, relative_absolute_error: 0.4148, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4266, root_mean_squared_error: 0.3886, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9108, scimark_benchmark: 1349.9741, usercpu_time_millis: 25090, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 130, usercpu_time_millis_training: 24960,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.5067, f_measure: 0.9612, kappa: 0.0156, kb_relative_information_score: -818.5203, mean_absolute_error: 0.0359, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.0452, number_of_instances: 3230, precision: 0.9583, predictive_accuracy: 0.9641, prior_entropy: 0.1666, recall: 0.9641, relative_absolute_error: 0.7942, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.1456, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1895, root_relative_squared_error: 1.3012, scimark_benchmark: 1330.2021, usercpu_time_millis: 30, usercpu_time_millis_training: 30,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.4389, f_measure: 0.414, kappa: -0.1415, kb_relative_information_score: 0.4747, mean_absolute_error: 0.4733, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4824, number_of_instances: 150, precision: 0.341, predictive_accuracy: 0.5267, prior_entropy: 0.9774, recall: 0.5267, relative_absolute_error: 0.9813, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.49, root_mean_squared_error: 0.688, root_relative_squared_error: 1.404, scimark_benchmark: 1322.4968,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7464, f_measure: 0.729, kappa: 0.4928, kb_relative_information_score: 274, mean_absolute_error: 0.2536, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.5, number_of_instances: 556, precision: 0.8317, predictive_accuracy: 0.7464, prior_entropy: 1, recall: 0.7464, relative_absolute_error: 0.5072, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.5, root_mean_squared_error: 0.5036, root_relative_squared_error: 1.0072, scimark_benchmark: 1330.2021, usercpu_time_millis: 30, usercpu_time_millis_training: 30,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7056, f_measure: 0.9509, kappa: 0.5478, kb_relative_information_score: 667.082, mean_absolute_error: 0.0418, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.1193, number_of_instances: 1244, precision: 0.9559, predictive_accuracy: 0.9582, prior_entropy: 0.3333, recall: 0.9582, relative_absolute_error: 0.3504, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2482, root_mean_squared_error: 0.2045, root_relative_squared_error: 0.8238, scimark_benchmark: 1330.2021, usercpu_time_millis: 340, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 10, usercpu_time_millis_training: 330,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.4444, f_measure: 0.4174, kappa: -0.129, kb_relative_information_score: 0.2568, mean_absolute_error: 0.4667, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4824, number_of_instances: 15, precision: 0.3429, predictive_accuracy: 0.5333, prior_entropy: 0.9774, recall: 0.5333, relative_absolute_error: 0.9675, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.49, root_mean_squared_error: 0.6831, root_relative_squared_error: 1.394, scimark_benchmark: 1322.4968,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.764, f_measure: 0.756, kappa: 0.5348, kb_relative_information_score: 99, mean_absolute_error: 0.2295, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.5, number_of_instances: 183, precision: 0.8414, predictive_accuracy: 0.7705, prior_entropy: 1, recall: 0.7705, relative_absolute_error: 0.459, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.5, root_mean_squared_error: 0.4791, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9581, scimark_benchmark: 1330.2021, usercpu_time_millis: 30, usercpu_time_millis_training: 30,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7667, f_measure: 0.754, kappa: 0.5, kb_relative_information_score: 8, mean_absolute_error: 0.25, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.5, number_of_instances: 16, precision: 0.7813, predictive_accuracy: 0.75, prior_entropy: 1, recall: 0.75, relative_absolute_error: 0.5, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.5, root_mean_squared_error: 0.5, root_relative_squared_error: 1, scimark_benchmark: 1330.2021,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.985, f_measure: 0.985, kappa: 0.97, kb_relative_information_score: 194, mean_absolute_error: 0.015, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.5, number_of_instances: 200, precision: 0.9854, predictive_accuracy: 0.985, prior_entropy: 1, recall: 0.985, relative_absolute_error: 0.03, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.5, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1225, root_relative_squared_error: 0.2449, scimark_benchmark: 1316.5986, usercpu_time_millis: 10, usercpu_time_millis_training: 10,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8054, f_measure: 0.8071, kappa: 0.5555, kb_relative_information_score: 54.2279, mean_absolute_error: 0.2, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4035, number_of_instances: 115, precision: 0.8289, predictive_accuracy: 0.8, prior_entropy: 0.8464, recall: 0.8, relative_absolute_error: 0.4957, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4525, root_mean_squared_error: 0.4472, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9882, scimark_benchmark: 855.8522, usercpu_time_millis: 30, usercpu_time_millis_training: 30,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7, f_measure: 0.8022, kappa: 0.3972, kb_relative_information_score: 78.6897, mean_absolute_error: 0.1985, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.3284, number_of_instances: 267, precision: 0.8028, predictive_accuracy: 0.8015, prior_entropy: 0.738, recall: 0.8015, relative_absolute_error: 0.6044, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4044, root_mean_squared_error: 0.4455, root_relative_squared_error: 1.1016, scimark_benchmark: 1327.3602, usercpu_time_millis: 10, usercpu_time_millis_training: 10,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8487, f_measure: 0.8487, kappa: 0.6974, kb_relative_information_score: 68710, mean_absolute_error: 0.1513, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.5, number_of_instances: 98528, precision: 0.8488, predictive_accuracy: 0.8487, prior_entropy: 1, recall: 0.8487, relative_absolute_error: 0.3026, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.5, root_mean_squared_error: 0.389, root_relative_squared_error: 0.778, scimark_benchmark: 1327.3602, usercpu_time_millis: 60000, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 460, usercpu_time_millis_training: 59540,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.5, f_measure: 0.4886, kb_relative_information_score: 33.9964, mean_absolute_error: 0.3687, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4588, number_of_instances: 198, precision: 0.3986, predictive_accuracy: 0.6313, prior_entropy: 0.9279, recall: 0.6313, relative_absolute_error: 0.8035, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4831, root_mean_squared_error: 0.6072, root_relative_squared_error: 1.2568, scimark_benchmark: 1357.483, usercpu_time_millis: 40, usercpu_time_millis_training: 40,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7326, f_measure: 0.7327, kappa: 0.4652, kb_relative_information_score: 3810.0469, mean_absolute_error: 0.2673, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4998, number_of_instances: 8192, precision: 0.7327, predictive_accuracy: 0.7327, prior_entropy: 0.9998, recall: 0.7327, relative_absolute_error: 0.5348, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4999, root_mean_squared_error: 0.517, root_relative_squared_error: 1.0342, scimark_benchmark: 1357.483, usercpu_time_millis: 500, usercpu_time_millis_training: 500,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7153, f_measure: 0.7311, kappa: 0.4366, kb_relative_information_score: 26.087, mean_absolute_error: 0.2667, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4806, number_of_instances: 60, precision: 0.7306, predictive_accuracy: 0.7333, prior_entropy: 0.9728, recall: 0.7333, relative_absolute_error: 0.5548, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4899, root_mean_squared_error: 0.5164, root_relative_squared_error: 1.0541, scimark_benchmark: 1349.9741,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.6447, f_measure: 0.648, kappa: 0.2895, kb_relative_information_score: 143.2852, mean_absolute_error: 0.352, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4954, number_of_instances: 500, precision: 0.648, predictive_accuracy: 0.648, prior_entropy: 0.9934, recall: 0.648, relative_absolute_error: 0.7105, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4977, root_mean_squared_error: 0.5933, root_relative_squared_error: 1.1921, scimark_benchmark: 1350.2369, usercpu_time_millis: 20, usercpu_time_millis_training: 20,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7509, f_measure: 0.7626, kappa: 0.5118, kb_relative_information_score: 24.2778, mean_absolute_error: 0.234, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4894, number_of_instances: 47, precision: 0.7658, predictive_accuracy: 0.766, prior_entropy: 0.9852, recall: 0.766, relative_absolute_error: 0.4783, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4944, root_mean_squared_error: 0.4838, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9785, scimark_benchmark: 1249.4068, usercpu_time_millis: 10, usercpu_time_millis_training: 10,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9715, f_measure: 0.9762, kappa: 0.9372, kb_relative_information_score: 193.5039, mean_absolute_error: 0.0239, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.3797, number_of_instances: 209, precision: 0.9763, predictive_accuracy: 0.9761, prior_entropy: 0.8205, recall: 0.9761, relative_absolute_error: 0.063, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4351, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1547, root_relative_squared_error: 0.3555, scimark_benchmark: 1064.8317, usercpu_time_millis: 10, usercpu_time_millis_training: 10,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7711, f_measure: 0.8136, kappa: 0.5587, kb_relative_information_score: 4454.1666, mean_absolute_error: 0.1834, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4281, number_of_instances: 8192, precision: 0.8126, predictive_accuracy: 0.8167, prior_entropy: 0.8937, recall: 0.8167, relative_absolute_error: 0.4282, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4627, root_mean_squared_error: 0.4282, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9255, scimark_benchmark: 1345.7204, usercpu_time_millis: 850, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 10, usercpu_time_millis_training: 840,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.6353, f_measure: 0.631, kappa: 0.2749, kb_relative_information_score: 142.8166, mean_absolute_error: 0.356, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4989, number_of_instances: 500, precision: 0.6555, predictive_accuracy: 0.644, prior_entropy: 0.9984, recall: 0.644, relative_absolute_error: 0.7136, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4994, root_mean_squared_error: 0.5967, root_relative_squared_error: 1.1947, scimark_benchmark: 933.1165, usercpu_time_millis: 100, usercpu_time_millis_training: 100,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.68, f_measure: 0.7421, kappa: 0.3749, kb_relative_information_score: 0.356, mean_absolute_error: 0.2522, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4202, number_of_instances: 10000, precision: 0.7391, predictive_accuracy: 0.7478, prior_entropy: 0.8813, recall: 0.7478, relative_absolute_error: 0.6002, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4583, root_mean_squared_error: 0.5022, root_relative_squared_error: 1.0959, scimark_benchmark: 1344.4203, usercpu_time_millis: 170, usercpu_time_millis_training: 170,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.6043, f_measure: 0.6887, kappa: 0.2289, kb_relative_information_score: 0.2454, mean_absolute_error: 0.2937, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4183, number_of_instances: 286, precision: 0.6836, predictive_accuracy: 0.7063, prior_entropy: 0.8779, recall: 0.7063, relative_absolute_error: 0.7021, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.457, root_mean_squared_error: 0.5419, root_relative_squared_error: 1.1858, scimark_benchmark: 1340.2843, usercpu_time_millis: 40, usercpu_time_millis_training: 40,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 1, f_measure: 1, kappa: 1, kb_relative_information_score: 1, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4994, number_of_instances: 81240, precision: 1, predictive_accuracy: 1, prior_entropy: 0.9991, recall: 1, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4997, scimark_benchmark: 1328.1294, usercpu_time_millis: 2990, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 30, usercpu_time_millis_training: 2960,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9041, f_measure: 0.906, kappa: 0.7953, kb_relative_information_score: 0.7847, mean_absolute_error: 0.0947, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.457, number_of_instances: 570, precision: 0.9078, predictive_accuracy: 0.9053, prior_entropy: 0.9349, recall: 0.9053, relative_absolute_error: 0.2073, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4773, root_mean_squared_error: 0.3078, root_relative_squared_error: 0.6449, scimark_benchmark: 1340.1614,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9623, f_measure: 0.9646, kappa: 0.9217, kb_relative_information_score: 0.9181, mean_absolute_error: 0.0355, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4519, number_of_instances: 6990, precision: 0.9647, predictive_accuracy: 0.9645, prior_entropy: 0.9293, recall: 0.9645, relative_absolute_error: 0.0785, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4753, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1884, root_relative_squared_error: 0.3963, scimark_benchmark: 1344.4203, usercpu_time_millis: 30, usercpu_time_millis_training: 30,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.5892, f_measure: 0.6765, kappa: 0.1972, kb_relative_information_score: 0.2203, mean_absolute_error: 0.3035, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4183, number_of_instances: 2860, precision: 0.6705, predictive_accuracy: 0.6965, prior_entropy: 0.8779, recall: 0.6965, relative_absolute_error: 0.7255, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.457, root_mean_squared_error: 0.5509, root_relative_squared_error: 1.2054, scimark_benchmark: 1328.1294, usercpu_time_millis: 30, usercpu_time_millis_training: 30,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7695, f_measure: 0.7699, kappa: 0.5381, kb_relative_information_score: 0.5364, mean_absolute_error: 0.2303, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4978, number_of_instances: 2080, precision: 0.7702, predictive_accuracy: 0.7697, prior_entropy: 0.9967, recall: 0.7697, relative_absolute_error: 0.4627, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4989, root_mean_squared_error: 0.4799, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9619, scimark_benchmark: 1340.1614, usercpu_time_millis: 30, usercpu_time_millis_training: 30,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: Prediction count does not match: Repeat 0 fold 1 sample 0 expected predictions with row id's [3] , but got predictions with row id's [8]
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9708, f_measure: 0.9705, kappa: 0.9409, kb_relative_information_score: 0.9408, mean_absolute_error: 0.0295, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.499, number_of_instances: 31960, precision: 0.9706, predictive_accuracy: 0.9705, prior_entropy: 0.9986, recall: 0.9705, relative_absolute_error: 0.0591, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4995, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1718, root_relative_squared_error: 0.3439, scimark_benchmark: 1340.2843, usercpu_time_millis: 350, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 10, usercpu_time_millis_training: 340,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8959, f_measure: 0.8958, kappa: 0.7741, kb_relative_information_score: 0.7607, mean_absolute_error: 0.1053, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.457, number_of_instances: 57, precision: 0.8991, predictive_accuracy: 0.8947, prior_entropy: 0.9349, recall: 0.8947, relative_absolute_error: 0.2303, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4773, root_mean_squared_error: 0.3244, root_relative_squared_error: 0.6798, scimark_benchmark: 1340.1614,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7886, f_measure: 0.8021, kappa: 0.5758, kb_relative_information_score: 0.5621, mean_absolute_error: 0.1981, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4662, number_of_instances: 3680, precision: 0.8024, predictive_accuracy: 0.8019, prior_entropy: 0.9503, recall: 0.8019, relative_absolute_error: 0.425, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4827, root_mean_squared_error: 0.4451, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9221, scimark_benchmark: 1344.4203, usercpu_time_millis: 60, usercpu_time_millis_training: 60,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8527, f_measure: 0.8465, kappa: 0.6936, kb_relative_information_score: 0.6867, mean_absolute_error: 0.1539, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.494, number_of_instances: 6900, precision: 0.8567, predictive_accuracy: 0.8461, prior_entropy: 0.9912, recall: 0.8461, relative_absolute_error: 0.3116, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.497, root_mean_squared_error: 0.3923, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7894, scimark_benchmark: 1340.1614, usercpu_time_millis: 70, usercpu_time_millis_training: 70,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7232, f_measure: 0.765, kappa: 0.4725, kb_relative_information_score: 0.4814, mean_absolute_error: 0.2264, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4545, number_of_instances: 7680, precision: 0.7687, predictive_accuracy: 0.7736, prior_entropy: 0.9331, recall: 0.7736, relative_absolute_error: 0.4982, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4766, root_mean_squared_error: 0.4758, root_relative_squared_error: 0.9983, scimark_benchmark: 1340.1614, usercpu_time_millis: 30, usercpu_time_millis_training: 30,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8337, f_measure: 0.8669, kappa: 0.7055, kb_relative_information_score: 0.7117, mean_absolute_error: 0.1282, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4604, number_of_instances: 3510, precision: 0.8784, predictive_accuracy: 0.8718, prior_entropy: 0.9418, recall: 0.8718, relative_absolute_error: 0.2784, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4797, root_mean_squared_error: 0.3581, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7464, scimark_benchmark: 1340.2843, usercpu_time_millis: 30, usercpu_time_millis_training: 30,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - No evaluations yet (or not applicable). Evaluation Engine Exception: premature end of line, read Token[EOL], line 11
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.6401, f_measure: 0.732, kappa: 0.2803, kb_relative_information_score: 19.3368, mean_absolute_error: 0.268, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.375, number_of_instances: 97, precision: 0.732, predictive_accuracy: 0.732, prior_entropy: 0.8153, recall: 0.732, relative_absolute_error: 0.7148, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4315, root_mean_squared_error: 0.5177, root_relative_squared_error: 1.1997, scimark_benchmark: 1322.4968, usercpu_time_millis: 10, usercpu_time_millis_training: 10,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9521, f_measure: 0.9545, kappa: 0.9041, kb_relative_information_score: 39.5695, mean_absolute_error: 0.0455, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4753, number_of_instances: 44, precision: 0.9545, predictive_accuracy: 0.9545, prior_entropy: 0.9656, recall: 0.9545, relative_absolute_error: 0.0956, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4869, root_mean_squared_error: 0.2132, root_relative_squared_error: 0.4378, scimark_benchmark: 935.5075,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.6128, f_measure: 0.6161, kappa: 0.2273, kb_relative_information_score: 44.8899, mean_absolute_error: 0.3814, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4974, number_of_instances: 194, precision: 0.6169, predictive_accuracy: 0.6186, prior_entropy: 0.9963, recall: 0.6186, relative_absolute_error: 0.7668, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4987, root_mean_squared_error: 0.6176, root_relative_squared_error: 1.2385, scimark_benchmark: 935.5075, usercpu_time_millis: 30, usercpu_time_millis_training: 30,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.808, f_measure: 0.8078, kappa: 0.616, kb_relative_information_score: 154, mean_absolute_error: 0.192, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.5, number_of_instances: 250, precision: 0.8093, predictive_accuracy: 0.808, prior_entropy: 1, recall: 0.808, relative_absolute_error: 0.384, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.5, root_mean_squared_error: 0.4382, root_relative_squared_error: 0.8764, scimark_benchmark: 1322.4968, usercpu_time_millis: 10, usercpu_time_millis_training: 10,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.83, f_measure: 0.834, kappa: 0.6651, kb_relative_information_score: 202.0043, mean_absolute_error: 0.165, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4966, number_of_instances: 303, precision: 0.8366, predictive_accuracy: 0.835, prior_entropy: 0.9951, recall: 0.835, relative_absolute_error: 0.3323, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4983, root_mean_squared_error: 0.4062, root_relative_squared_error: 0.8152, scimark_benchmark: 1322.4968, usercpu_time_millis: 20, usercpu_time_millis_training: 20,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.6341, f_measure: 0.6325, kappa: 0.2659, kb_relative_information_score: 64.2985, mean_absolute_error: 0.368, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4968, number_of_instances: 250, precision: 0.637, predictive_accuracy: 0.632, prior_entropy: 0.9955, recall: 0.632, relative_absolute_error: 0.7407, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4984, root_mean_squared_error: 0.6066, root_relative_squared_error: 1.2172, scimark_benchmark: 935.5075, usercpu_time_millis: 20, usercpu_time_millis_training: 20,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.6596, f_measure: 0.666, kappa: 0.3238, kb_relative_information_score: 33.0474, mean_absolute_error: 0.33, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4951, number_of_instances: 100, precision: 0.6686, predictive_accuracy: 0.67, prior_entropy: 0.9931, recall: 0.67, relative_absolute_error: 0.6665, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4975, root_mean_squared_error: 0.5745, root_relative_squared_error: 1.1547, scimark_benchmark: 935.5075, usercpu_time_millis: 10, usercpu_time_millis_training: 10,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.9496, f_measure: 0.9559, kappa: 0.908, kb_relative_information_score: 185.936, mean_absolute_error: 0.0439, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4821, number_of_instances: 205, precision: 0.9568, predictive_accuracy: 0.9561, prior_entropy: 0.9742, recall: 0.9561, relative_absolute_error: 0.0911, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4909, root_mean_squared_error: 0.2095, root_relative_squared_error: 0.4269, scimark_benchmark: 1322.4968, usercpu_time_millis: 20, usercpu_time_millis_training: 20,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.8527, f_measure: 0.8528, kappa: 0.7046, kb_relative_information_score: 4626.103, mean_absolute_error: 0.1472, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4979, number_of_instances: 6574, precision: 0.853, predictive_accuracy: 0.8528, prior_entropy: 0.9969, recall: 0.8528, relative_absolute_error: 0.2957, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4989, root_mean_squared_error: 0.3837, root_relative_squared_error: 0.7691, scimark_benchmark: 935.5075, usercpu_time_millis: 480, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 10, usercpu_time_millis_training: 470,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7609, f_measure: 0.7656, kappa: 0.5254, kb_relative_information_score: 31.5906, mean_absolute_error: 0.2333, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4952, number_of_instances: 60, precision: 0.7663, predictive_accuracy: 0.7667, prior_entropy: 0.9932, recall: 0.7667, relative_absolute_error: 0.4712, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4975, root_mean_squared_error: 0.483, root_relative_squared_error: 0.971, scimark_benchmark: 1322.4968,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.7427, f_measure: 0.9574, kappa: 0.5937, kb_relative_information_score: 19821.8999, mean_absolute_error: 0.0382, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.1152, number_of_instances: 37720, precision: 0.958, predictive_accuracy: 0.9618, prior_entropy: 0.3333, recall: 0.9618, relative_absolute_error: 0.3317, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.2398, root_mean_squared_error: 0.1955, root_relative_squared_error: 0.8152, scimark_benchmark: 935.5075, usercpu_time_millis: 430, usercpu_time_millis_testing: 10, usercpu_time_millis_training: 420,
0 likes - 0 downloads - 0 reach - area_under_roc_curve: 0.6765, f_measure: 0.6801, kappa: 0.3473, kb_relative_information_score: 28.5498, mean_absolute_error: 0.3218, mean_prior_absolute_error: 0.4855, number_of_instances: 87, precision: 0.6848, predictive_accuracy: 0.6782, prior_entropy: 0.9794, recall: 0.6782, relative_absolute_error: 0.6629, root_mean_prior_squared_error: 0.4925, root_mean_squared_error: 0.5673, root_relative_squared_error: 1.1519, scimark_benchmark: 935.5075,