
Run 9192326

Task 167211 (Supervised Classification) Satellite Uploaded 24-04-2018 by Noah van der Meer
0 likes downloaded by 0 people 0 issues 0 downvotes , 0 total downloads
Evaluation Engine Exception: Illegal combination of evaluation measure attributes (repeat, fold, sample): Measure(s): root_mean_squared_error(0, 0, 0), predictive_accuracy(0, 0, 0), kappa(0, 0, 0), usercpu_time_millis(0, 0, 0), usercpu_time_millis_training(0, 0, 0), usercpu_time_millis_testing(0, 0, 0), root_relative_squared_error(0, 0, 0), root_mean_squared_error(0, 1, 0), predictive_accuracy(0, 1, 0), kappa(0, 1, 0), usercpu_time_millis(0, 1, 0), usercpu_time_millis_training(0, 1, 0), usercpu_time_millis_testing(0, 1, 0), root_relative_squared_error(0, 1, 0), root_mean_squared_error(0, 2, 0), predictive_accuracy(0, 2, 0), kappa(0, 2, 0), usercpu_time_millis(0, 2, 0), usercpu_time_millis_training(0, 2, 0), usercpu_time_millis_testing(0, 2, 0), root_relative_squared_error(0, 2, 0), root_mean_squared_error(0, 3, 0), predictive_accuracy(0, 3, 0), kappa(0, 3, 0), usercpu_time_millis(0, 3, 0), usercpu_time_millis_training(0, 3, 0), usercpu_time_millis_testing(0, 3, 0), root_relative_squared_error(... (message cut-off due to excessive length)
Issue #Downvotes for this reason By


weka.Vote(2)Ludmila I. Kuncheva (2004). Combining Pattern Classifiers: Methods and Algorithms. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.. J. Kittler, M. Hatef, Robert P.W. Duin, J. Matas (1998). On combining classifiers. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 20(3):226-239.
weka.Vote(2)_Bweka.classifiers.functions.MultilayerPerceptron -L 0.3 -M 0.2 -N 1000 -V 0 -S 892983 -E 20 -H "a, a, a" -num-decimal-places 5

Result files


XML file describing the run, including user-defined evaluation measures.

Model readable

A human-readable description of the model that was built.

Model serialized

A serialized description of the model that can be read by the tool that generated it.


ARFF file with instance-level predictions generated by the model.

0 Evaluation measures