
Run 10045089

Task 4696 (Supervised Classification) AP_Endometrium_Kidney Uploaded 22-01-2019 by KANKAN LAN
0 likes downloaded by 0 people 0 issues 0 downvotes , 0 total downloads
Evaluation Engine Exception: Illegal combination of evaluation measure attributes (repeat, fold, sample): Measure(s): mean_absolute_error(1, 1), predictive_accuracy(1, 1), root_mean_squared_error(1, 1), prior_entropy(1, 1), total_cost(1, 1), f_measure(1, 1), root_relative_squared_error(1, 1), area_under_roc_curve(1, 1), mean_prior_absolute_error(1, 1), precision(1, 1), average_cost(1, 1), number_of_instances(1, 1), recall(1, 1), kb_relative_information_score(1, 1), kappa(1, 1), root_mean_prior_squared_error(1, 1), relative_absolute_error(1, 1), mean_absolute_error(1, 2), predictive_accuracy(1, 2), root_mean_squared_error(1, 2), prior_entropy(1, 2), total_cost(1, 2), f_measure(1, 2), root_relative_squared_error(1, 2), area_under_roc_curve(1, 2), mean_prior_absolute_error(1, 2), precision(1, 2), average_cost(1, 2), number_of_instances(1, 2), recall(1, 2), kb_relative_information_score(1, 2), kappa(1, 2), root_mean_prior_squared_error(1, 2), relative_absolute_error(1, 2), mean_absolute_error(1, 3... (message cut-off due to excessive length)
Issue #Downvotes for this reason By


Result files


XML file describing the run, including user-defined evaluation measures.


ARFF file with instance-level predictions generated by the model.

0 Evaluation measures