

active ARFF CC0: Public Domain Visibility: public Uploaded 24-03-2022 by Dustin Carrion
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Context Includes data on confirmed cases, deaths, hospitalizations, and testing, as well as other variables of potential interest. Content As of 26 January 2021, the columns are: isocode, continent, location, date, totalcases, newcases, newcasessmoothed, totaldeaths, newdeaths, newdeathssmoothed, totalcasespermillion, newcasespermillion, newcasessmoothedpermillion, totaldeathspermillion, newdeathspermillion, newdeathssmoothedpermillion, reproductionrate, icupatients, icupatientspermillion, hosppatients, hosppatientspermillion, weeklyicuadmissions, weeklyicuadmissionspermillion, weeklyhospadmissions, weeklyhospadmissionspermillion, totaltests, newtests, totaltestsperthousand, newtestsperthousand, newtestssmoothed, newtestssmoothedperthousand, positiverate, testspercase, testsunits, totalvaccinations, peoplevaccinated, peoplefullyvaccinated, newvaccinations, newvaccinationssmoothed, totalvaccinationsperhundred, peoplevaccinatedperhundred, peoplefullyvaccinatedperhundred, newvaccinationssmoothedpermillion, stringencyindex, population, populationdensity, medianage, aged65older, aged70older, gdppercapita, extremepoverty, cardiovascdeathrate, diabetesprevalence, femalesmokers, malesmokers, handwashingfacilities, hospitalbedsperthousand, lifeexpectancy, humandevelopment_index Acknowledgements Inspiration Fight the deadly virus

59 features

iso_codestring192 unique values
360 missing
continentstring6 unique values
736 missing
locationstring193 unique values
0 missing
datestring397 unique values
0 missing
total_casesnumeric31452 unique values
594 missing
new_casesnumeric7525 unique values
602 missing
new_cases_smoothednumeric15600 unique values
1561 missing
total_deathsnumeric10946 unique values
9207 missing
new_deathsnumeric1508 unique values
9209 missing
new_deaths_smoothednumeric3689 unique values
1561 missing
total_cases_per_millionnumeric47563 unique values
954 missing
new_cases_per_millionnumeric27102 unique values
962 missing
new_cases_smoothed_per_millionnumeric30658 unique values
1916 missing
total_deaths_per_millionnumeric27838 unique values
9554 missing
new_deaths_per_millionnumeric5436 unique values
9556 missing
new_deaths_smoothed_per_millionnumeric6671 unique values
1916 missing
reproduction_ratenumeric357 unique values
13346 missing
icu_patientsnumeric1887 unique values
56369 missing
icu_patients_per_millionnumeric3867 unique values
56369 missing
hosp_patientsnumeric3580 unique values
55057 missing
hosp_patients_per_millionnumeric6127 unique values
55057 missing
weekly_icu_admissionsnumeric506 unique values
62688 missing
weekly_icu_admissions_per_millionnumeric500 unique values
62688 missing
weekly_hosp_admissionsnumeric939 unique values
62320 missing
weekly_hosp_admissions_per_millionnumeric938 unique values
62320 missing
total_testsnumeric28635 unique values
34002 missing
new_testsnumeric16546 unique values
33819 missing
total_tests_per_thousandnumeric24605 unique values
34002 missing
new_tests_per_thousandnumeric5243 unique values
33819 missing
new_tests_smoothednumeric18388 unique values
30066 missing
new_tests_smoothed_per_thousandnumeric5404 unique values
30066 missing
positive_ratenumeric565 unique values
31879 missing
tests_per_casenumeric4944 unique values
32397 missing
tests_unitsstring4 unique values
28850 missing
total_vaccinationsnumeric1122 unique values
62234 missing
people_vaccinatednumeric874 unique values
62489 missing
people_fully_vaccinatednumeric379 unique values
62957 missing
new_vaccinationsnumeric923 unique values
62429 missing
new_vaccinations_smoothednumeric1363 unique values
61796 missing
total_vaccinations_per_hundrednumeric436 unique values
62234 missing
people_vaccinated_per_hundrednumeric371 unique values
62489 missing
people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundrednumeric108 unique values
62957 missing
new_vaccinations_smoothed_per_millionnumeric1055 unique values
61796 missing
stringency_indexnumeric175 unique values
6607 missing
populationnumeric192 unique values
360 missing
population_densitynumeric188 unique values
1692 missing
median_agenumeric131 unique values
3089 missing
aged_65_oldernumeric180 unique values
3787 missing
aged_70_oldernumeric178 unique values
3430 missing
gdp_per_capitanumeric184 unique values
3046 missing
extreme_povertynumeric75 unique values
22100 missing
cardiovasc_death_ratenumeric185 unique values
2431 missing
diabetes_prevalencenumeric136 unique values
1714 missing
female_smokersnumeric108 unique values
15307 missing
male_smokersnumeric124 unique values
15966 missing
handwashing_facilitiesnumeric95 unique values
32829 missing
hospital_beds_per_thousandnumeric100 unique values
7424 missing
life_expectancynumeric179 unique values
684 missing
human_development_indexnumeric159 unique values
2774 missing

19 properties

Number of instances (rows) of the dataset.
Number of attributes (columns) of the dataset.
Number of distinct values of the target attribute (if it is nominal).
Number of missing values in the dataset.
Number of instances with at least one value missing.
Number of numeric attributes.
Number of nominal attributes.
Number of attributes divided by the number of instances.
Percentage of numeric attributes.
Percentage of instances belonging to the most frequent class.
Percentage of nominal attributes.
Number of instances belonging to the most frequent class.
Percentage of instances belonging to the least frequent class.
Number of instances belonging to the least frequent class.
Number of binary attributes.
Percentage of binary attributes.
Percentage of instances having missing values.
Average class difference between consecutive instances.
Percentage of missing values.

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