Issue | #Downvotes for this reason | By |
W | weka.Bagging_REPTree(4) | Full name of base classifier. (default: weka.classifiers.trees.DecisionStump) |
-do-not-check-capabilities | If set, classifier capabilities are not checked before classifier is built (use with caution). | |
E | The number of threads to use for batch prediction, which should be >= size of thread pool. (default 1) | default: 1 |
H | Shrinkage parameter. (default 1) | default: 1.0 |
I | Number of iterations. (default 10) | default: 10 |
L | Threshold on the improvement of the likelihood. (default -Double.MAX_VALUE) | default: -1.7976931348623157E308 |
O | The size of the thread pool, for example, the number of cores in the CPU. (default 1) | default: 1 |
P | Percentage of weight mass to base training on. (default 100, reduce to around 90 speed up) | default: 100 |
Q | Use resampling instead of reweighting for boosting. | |
S | Random number seed. (default 1) | default: 1 |
W | Full name of base classifier. (default: weka.classifiers.trees.DecisionStump) | default: weka.classifiers.meta.Bagging |
Z | Z max threshold for responses. (default 3) | default: 3.0 |
output-debug-info | If set, classifier is run in debug mode and may output additional info to the console |