

Visibility: public Uploaded 18-08-2014 by Joaquin Vanschoren Weka_3.7.12-SNAPSHOT 1 runs
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Weka implementation of ConjunctiveRule


-do-not-check-capabilitiesIf set, classifier capabilities are not checked before classifier is built (use with caution).
ESet whether consider the exclusive expressions for nominal attributes (default false)
MSet the minimal weights of instances within a split. (default 2.0)default: 2.0
NSet number of folds for REP One fold is used as pruning set. (default 3)default: 3
PSet number of antecedents for pre-pruning if -1, then REP is used (default -1)default: -1
RSet if NOT uses randomization (default:use randomization)
SSet the seed of randomization (default 1)default: 1
output-debug-infoIf set, classifier is run in debug mode and may output additional info to the console


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