Issue | #Downvotes for this reason | By |
accept_sparse | Indicate that func accepts a sparse matrix as input. If validate is False, this has no effect. Otherwise, if accept_sparse is false, sparse matrix inputs will cause an exception to be raised | default: false |
func | The callable to use for the transformation. This will be passed the same arguments as transform, with args and kwargs forwarded If func is None, then func will be the identity function | default: null |
inv_kw_args | Dictionary of additional keyword arguments to pass to inverse_func. | default: null |
inverse_func | The callable to use for the inverse transformation. This will be passed the same arguments as inverse transform, with args and kwargs forwarded. If inverse_func is None, then inverse_func will be the identity function | default: null |
kw_args | Dictionary of additional keyword arguments to pass to func | default: null |
pass_y | Indicate that transform should forward the y argument to the inner callable | default: false |
validate | Indicate that the input X array should be checked before calling func. If validate is false, there will be no input validation If it is true, then X will be converted to a 2-dimensional NumPy array or sparse matrix. If this conversion is not possible or X contains NaN or infinity, an exception is raised | default: true |