Issue | #Downvotes for this reason | By |
l | moa.NaiveBayes(1) | baseLearner: Classifier to train. |
a | maturity: The maturity age. | default: 20.0 |
c | cmb: The combination function | default: MAX |
e | eval: The size of the evaluation window. | default: 20.0 |
l | baseLearner: Classifier to train. | default: bayes.NaiveBayes |
n | memberCount: The maximum number of classifier in an ensemble. | default: 20.0 |
q | CeThr: The threshold for concept equivalence | default: 0.7 |
r | randomSeed: Seed for random behaviour of the classifier. | default: 1 |
t | tau: The size of the evaluation window for the meta-learning. | default: 100 |
z | StabThr: The threshold for stability | default: 0.8 |