

Visibility: public Uploaded 05-02-2015 by Jan van Rijn Weka_3.7.12 112 runs
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  • Verified_Learning_Curve,Verified_Supervised_Classification weka weka_3.7.12
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S. Lievens, B. De Baets, K. Cao-Van (2006). A Probabilistic Framework for the Design of Instance-Based Supervised Ranking Algorithms in an Ordinal Setting. Annals of Operations Research.. Kim Cao-Van (2003). Supervised ranking: from semantics to algorithms. Stijn Lievens (2004). Studie en implementatie van instantie-gebaseerde algoritmen voor gesuperviseerd rangschikken.


-do-not-check-capabilitiesIf set, classifier capabilities are not checked before classifier is built (use with caution).
BUse the balanced version of the Ordinal Stochastic Dominance Learner
CSets the classification type to be used. (Default: MED)default: MED
LLower bound for the interpolation parameter (not with -W/S) (default: 0)
PDetermines the step size for tuning the interpolation parameter, nl. (U-L)/P (not with -W/S) (default: 10)
SSets the value of the interpolation parameter (not with -W/T/P/L/U) (default: 0.5).default: 0.5
TTune the interpolation parameter (not with -W/S) (default: off)
UUpper bound for the interpolation parameter (not with -W/S) (default: 1)
WUse the weighted version of the Ordinal Stochastic Dominance Learner
output-debug-infoIf set, classifier is run in debug mode and may output additional info to the console


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