{ "data_id": "794", "name": "fri_c2_250_25", "exact_name": "fri_c2_250_25", "version": 2, "version_label": null, "description": "**Author**: \n**Source**: Unknown - Date unknown \n**Please cite**: \n\nBinarized version of the original data set (see version 1). It converts the numeric target feature to a two-class nominal target feature by computing the mean and classifying all instances with a lower target value as positive ('P') and all others as negative ('N').", "format": "ARFF", "uploader": "Joaquin Vanschoren", "uploader_id": 2, "visibility": "public", "creator": null, "contributor": null, "date": "2014-10-04 14:33:39", "update_comment": null, "last_update": "2014-10-04 14:33:39", "licence": "Public", "status": "active", "error_message": null, "url": "https:\/\/www.openml.org\/data\/download\/53328\/fri_c2_250_25.arff", "default_target_attribute": "binaryClass", "row_id_attribute": null, "ignore_attribute": null, "runs": 812, "suggest": { "input": [ "fri_c2_250_25", "Binarized version of the original data set (see version 1). It converts the numeric target feature to a two-class nominal target feature by computing the mean and classifying all instances with a lower target value as positive ('P') and all others as negative ('N'). " ], "weight": 5 }, "qualities": { "NumberOfInstances": 250, "NumberOfFeatures": 26, "NumberOfClasses": 2, "NumberOfMissingValues": 0, "NumberOfInstancesWithMissingValues": 0, "NumberOfNumericFeatures": 25, "NumberOfSymbolicFeatures": 1, "REPTreeDepth3Kappa": 0.5834150166633995, "DecisionStumpKappa": 0.5189485356467289, "MaxMeansOfNumericAtts": 4.8000000015591123e-8, "MinMutualInformation": null, "Quartile2SkewnessOfNumericAtts": 0.022824704010425557, "RandomTreeDepth1AUC": 0.6966102793440923, "Dimensionality": 0.104, "MaxMutualInformation": null, "MinNominalAttDistinctValues": 2, "PercentageOfBinaryFeatures": 3.8461538461538463, "Quartile2StdDevOfNumericAtts": 1.0000000274143472, "RandomTreeDepth1ErrRate": 0.296, "EquivalentNumberOfAtts": null, "MaxNominalAttDistinctValues": 2, "MinSkewnessOfNumericAtts": -0.15133277995947614, "PercentageOfInstancesWithMissingValues": 0, "Quartile3AttributeEntropy": null, "RandomTreeDepth1Kappa": 0.3960958412221714, "J48.00001.AUC": 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