{ "data_id": "7", "name": "audiology", "exact_name": "audiology", "version": 1, "version_label": "1", "description": "**Author**: Professor Jergen at Baylor College of Medicine\n**Source**: [UCI](https:\/\/archive.ics.uci.edu\/ml\/datasets\/Audiology+(Standardized))\n**Please cite**: Bareiss, E. Ray, & Porter, Bruce (1987). Protos: An Exemplar-Based Learning Apprentice. In the Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Machine Learning, 12-23, Irvine, CA: Morgan Kaufmann\n\n**Audiology Database**\nThis database is a standardized version of the original audiology database (see audiology.* in this directory). The non-standard set of attributes have been converted to a standard set of attributes according to the rules that follow.\n\n* Each property that appears anywhere in the original .data or .test file has been represented as a separate attribute in this file.\n\n* A property such as age_gt_60 is represented as a boolean attribute with values f and t.\n\n* In most cases, a property of the form x(y) is represented as a discrete attribute x() whose possible values are the various y's; air() is an example. There are two exceptions:\n** when only one value of y appears anywhere, e.g. static(normal). In this case, x_y appears as a boolean attribute.\n** when one case can have two or more values of x, e.g. history(..). All possible values of history are treated as separate boolean attributes.\n\n* Since boolean attributes only appear as positive conditions, each boolean attribute is assumed to be false unless noted as true. The value of multi-value discrete attributes taken as unknown (\"?\") unless a value is specified.\n\n* The original case identifications, p1 to p200 in the .data file and t1 to t26 in the .test file, have been added as a unique identifier attribute.\n\n[Note: in the original .data file, p165 has a repeated specification of o_ar_c(normal); p166 has repeated specification of speech(normal) and conflicting values air(moderate) and air(mild). No other problems with the original data were noted.]\n\n\n### Attribute Information:\n\nage_gt_60: f, t.\nair(): mild,moderate,severe,normal,profound.\nairBoneGap: f, t.\nar_c(): normal,elevated,absent.\nar_u(): normal,absent,elevated.\nbone(): mild,moderate,normal,unmeasured.\nboneAbnormal: f, t.\nbser(): normal,degraded.\nhistory_buzzing: f, t.\nhistory_dizziness: f, t.\nhistory_fluctuating: f, t.\nhistory_fullness: f, t.\nhistory_heredity: f, t.\nhistory_nausea: f, t.\nhistory_noise: f, t.\nhistory_recruitment: f, t.\nhistory_ringing: f, t.\nhistory_roaring: f, t.\nhistory_vomiting: f, t.\nlate_wave_poor: f, t.\nm_at_2k: f, t.\nm_cond_lt_1k: f, t.\nm_gt_1k: f, t.\nm_m_gt_2k: f, t.\nm_m_sn: f, t.\nm_m_sn_gt_1k: f, t.\nm_m_sn_gt_2k: f, t.\nm_m_sn_gt_500: f, t.\nm_p_sn_gt_2k: f, t.\nm_s_gt_500: f, t.\nm_s_sn: f, t.\nm_s_sn_gt_1k: f, t.\nm_s_sn_gt_2k: f, t.\nm_s_sn_gt_3k: f, t.\nm_s_sn_gt_4k: f, t.\nm_sn_2_3k: f, t.\nm_sn_gt_1k: f, t.\nm_sn_gt_2k: f, t.\nm_sn_gt_3k: f, t.\nm_sn_gt_4k: f, t.\nm_sn_gt_500: f, t.\nm_sn_gt_6k: f, t.\nm_sn_lt_1k: f, t.\nm_sn_lt_2k: f, t.\nm_sn_lt_3k: f, t.\nmiddle_wave_poor: f, t.\nmod_gt_4k: f, t.\nmod_mixed: f, t.\nmod_s_mixed: f, t.\nmod_s_sn_gt_500: f, t.\nmod_sn: f, t.\nmod_sn_gt_1k: f, t.\nmod_sn_gt_2k: f, t.\nmod_sn_gt_3k: f, t.\nmod_sn_gt_4k: f, t.\nmod_sn_gt_500: f, t.\nnotch_4k: f, t.\nnotch_at_4k: f, t.\no_ar_c(): normal,elevated,absent.\no_ar_u(): normal,absent,elevated.\ns_sn_gt_1k: f, t.\ns_sn_gt_2k: f, t.\ns_sn_gt_4k: f, t.\nspeech(): normal,good,very_good,very_poor,poor,unmeasured.\nstatic_normal: f, t.\ntymp(): a,as,b,ad,c.\nviith_nerve_signs: f, t.\nwave_V_delayed: f, t.\nwaveform_ItoV_prolonged: f, t.\nindentifier (unique for each instance)\n\nclass:\ncochlear_unknown,mixed_cochlear_age_fixation,poss_central\nmixed_cochlear_age_otitis_media,mixed_poss_noise_om,\ncochlear_age,normal_ear,cochlear_poss_noise,cochlear_age_and_noise,\nacoustic_neuroma,mixed_cochlear_unk_ser_om,conductive_discontinuity,\nretrocochlear_unknown,conductive_fixation,bells_palsy,\ncochlear_noise_and_heredity,mixed_cochlear_unk_fixation,\notitis_media,possible_menieres,possible_brainstem_disorder,\ncochlear_age_plus_poss_menieres,mixed_cochlear_age_s_om,\nmixed_cochlear_unk_discontinuity,mixed_poss_central_om", "format": "ARFF", "uploader": "Jan van Rijn", "uploader_id": 1, "visibility": "public", "creator": "Professor Jergen at Baylor College of Medicine", "contributor": null, "date": "2014-04-06 23:19:44", "update_comment": null, "last_update": "2014-04-06 23:19:44", "licence": "Public", "status": "active", "error_message": null, "url": "https:\/\/www.openml.org\/data\/download\/7\/dataset_7_audiology.arff", "kaggle_url": null, "default_target_attribute": "class", "row_id_attribute": null, "ignore_attribute": null, "runs": 7303, "suggest": { "input": [ "audiology", "This database is a standardized version of the original audiology database (see audiology.* in this directory). The non-standard set of attributes have been converted to a standard set of attributes according to the rules that follow. * Each property that appears anywhere in the original .data or .test file has been represented as a separate attribute in this file. * A property such as age_gt_60 is represented as a boolean attribute with values f and t. * In most cases, a property of the form x( " ], "weight": 5 }, "qualities": { "NumberOfInstances": 226, "NumberOfFeatures": 70, "NumberOfClasses": 24, "NumberOfMissingValues": 317, "NumberOfInstancesWithMissingValues": 222, "NumberOfNumericFeatures": 0, "NumberOfSymbolicFeatures": 70, "MaxStdDevOfNumericAtts": null, "MinorityClassPercentage": 0.4424778761061947, "PercentageOfNumericFeatures": 0, "Quartile3MeansOfNumericAtts": null, "CfsSubsetEval_DecisionStumpAUC": 0.9125987988342159, "RandomTreeDepth2AUC": 0.7950649758384568, "J48.00001.ErrRate": 0.25663716814159293, "MeanAttributeEntropy": 0.3181153716783362, "MinorityClassSize": 1, 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