Source: Unknown - Date unknown
Please cite:
chscase A collection of the data sets used in the book
"A Casebook for a First Course in Statistics and Data Analysis,"
by Samprit Chatterjee, Mark S. Handcock and Jeffrey S. Simonoff,
John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1995. Submitted by
Samprit Chatterjee (,
Mark Handcock ( and
Jeff Simonoff (
This submission consists of 38 files, plus this README file.
Each file represents a data set analyzed in the book. The names
of the files correspond to the names used in the book. The data
files are written in plain ASCII (character) text. Missing
values are represented by "M" in all data files.
More information about the data sets and the book can be
obtained via gopher at the address
The information is filed under
---> Academic Departments & Research Centers
---> Statistics and Operations Research
---> Publications
---> A Casebook for a First Course in Statistics and Data Analysis
---> Welcome!
It can also be accessed from the World Wide Web (WWW) using a
WWW browser (e.g., netscape) starting from the URL address
NOTICE: These datasets may be used freely for scientific,
educational and/or non-commercial purposes, provided suitable
acknowledgment is given (by citing the Chatterjee, Handcock and
Simonoff reference above).
File: adopt.dat
Note: attribute names were generated automatically since there was no
information in the data itself.
Information about the dataset
CLASSTYPE: numeric
CLASSINDEX: none specific