{ "data_id": "565", "name": "water-treatment", "exact_name": "water-treatment", "version": 1, "version_label": null, "description": "**Author**: \n**Source**: Unknown - Date unknown \n**Please cite**: \n\n1. Title: Faults in a urban waste water treatment plant\n\n2. Source Information:\n-- Creators: Manel Poch (igte2@cc.uab.es)\nUnitat d'Enginyeria Quimica\nUniversitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Bellaterra. Barcelona; Spain\n-- Donor: Javier Bejar and Ulises Cortes (bejar@lsi.upc.es)\nDept. Llenguatges i Sistemes Informatics;\nUniversitat Politecnica de Catalunya. Barcelona; Spain\n-- Date: June, 1993\n\n3. Past Usage:\n1. J. De Gracia.\n``Avaluacio de tecniques de classificacio per a la gestio de\nBioprocessos: Aplicacio a un reactor de fangs activats''\nMaster Thesis. Dept. de Quimica. Unitat d'Enginyeria Quimica.\nUniversitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Bellaterra (Barcelona). 1993.\n-- Results:\nComparison between the classification of plant situations using\ncluster analysis and conceptual clustering. The induced classes\nare exposed and contrasted.\n\n\n2. J. Bejar, U. Cort\\'es and M. Poch.\n``LINNEO+: A Classification Methodology for Ill-structured Domains''.\nResearch report RT-93-10-R. Dept. Llenguatges i Sistemes Informatics.\nBarcelona. 1993.\n-- Results:\nThe conceptual clustering algorithm used in the first reference\nis exposed. Some results are given about the use of a priori\nexpert knowledge to bias the classification process in the plant\ndomain.\n\n3. Ll. Belanche, U. Cortes and M. S\\`anchez.\n``A knowledge-based system for the diagnosis of waste-water treatment\nplant''. Proceedings of the 5th international conference of industrial\nand engineering applications of AI and Expert Systems IEA\/AIE-92. Ed\nSpringer-Verlag. Paderborn, Germany, June 92.\n-- Results:\nExplanation of the waste water treatment plant diagnosis problems\nNot directly related to the dataset.\n\n\n\n4. Relevant Information:\n\nThis dataset comes from the daily measures of sensors in a urban waste\nwater treatment plant. The objective is to classify the operational\nstate of the plant in order to predict faults through the state\nvariables of the plant at each of the stages of the treatment process.\nThis domain has been stated as an ill-structured domain.\n\n\n5. Number of instances: 527\n\n6. Number of Attributes: 38\n\nThere are some missing values, all are unknown information.\n\n7. Attribute Information:\n\nAll atrributes are numeric and continuous\n\nN. Attrib.\n1 Q-E (input flow to plant)\n2 ZN-E (input Zinc to plant)\n3 PH-E (input pH to plant)\n4 DBO-E (input Biological demand of oxygen to plant)\n5 DQO-E (input chemical demand of oxygen to plant)\n6 SS-E (input suspended solids to plant)\n7 SSV-E (input volatile supended solids to plant)\n8 SED-E (input sediments to plant)\n9 COND-E (input conductivity to plant)\n10 PH-P (input pH to primary settler)\n11 DBO-P (input Biological demand of oxygen to primary settler)\n12 SS-P (input suspended solids to primary settler)\n13 SSV-P (input volatile supended solids to primary settler)\n14 SED-P (input sediments to primary settler)\n15 COND-P (input conductivity to primary settler)\n16 PH-D (input pH to secondary settler)\n17 DBO-D (input Biological demand of oxygen to secondary settler)\n18 DQO-D (input chemical demand of oxygen to secondary settler)\n19 SS-D (input suspended solids to secondary settler)\n20 SSV-D (input volatile supended solids to secondary settler)\n21 SED-D (input sediments to secondary settler)\n22 COND-D (input conductivity to secondary settler)\n23 PH-S (output pH)\n24 DBO-S (output Biological demand of oxygen)\n25 DQO-S (output chemical demand of oxygen)\n26 SS-S (output suspended solids)\n27 SSV-S (output volatile supended solids)\n28 SED-S (output sediments)\n29 COND-S (output conductivity)\n30 RD-DBO-P (performance input Biological demand of oxygen in primary settler)\n31 RD-SS-P (performance input suspended solids to primary settler)\n32 RD-SED-P (performance input sediments to primary settler)\n33 RD-DBO-S (performance input Biological demand of oxygen to secondary settler)\n34 RD-DQO-S (performance input chemical demand of oxygen to secondary settler)\n35 RD-DBO-G (global performance input Biological demand of oxygen)\n36 RD-DQO-G (global performance input chemical demand of oxygen)\n37 RD-SS-G (global performance input suspended solids)\n38 RD-SED-G (global performance input sediments)\n\n\n-- Statistics:\n\nN. Attrib. min max mean st-dev\n1 Q-E 10000 60081 37226.56 6571.46\n2 ZN-E 0.1 33.5 2.36 2.74\n3 PH-E 6.9 8.7 7.81 0.24\n4 DBO-E 31 438 188.71 60.69\n5 DQO-E 81 941 406.89 119.67\n6 SS-E 98 2008 227.44 135.81\n7 SSV-E 13.2 85.0 61.39 12.28\n8 SED-E 0.4 36 4.59 2.67\n9 COND-E 651 3230 1478.62 394.89\n10 PH-P 7.3 8.5 7.83 0.22\n11 DBO-P 32 517 206.20 71.92\n12 SS-P 104 1692 253.95 147.45\n13 SSV-P 7.1 93.5 60.37 12.26\n14 SED-P 1.0 46.0 5.03 3.27\n15 COND-P 646 3170 1496.03 402.58\n16 PH-D 7.1 8.4 7.81 0.19\n17 DBO-D 26 285 122.34 36.02\n18 DQO-D 80 511 274.04 73.48\n19 SS-D 49 244 94.22 23.94\n20 SSV-D 20.2 100 72.96 10.34\n21 SED-D 0.0 3.5 0.41 0.37\n22 COND-D 85 3690 1490.56 399.99\n23 PH-S 7.0 9.7 7.70 0.18\n24 DBO-S 3 320 19.98 17.20\n25 DQO-S 9 350 87.29 38.35\n26 SS-S 6 238 22.23 16.25\n27 SSV-S 29.2 100 80.15 9.00\n28 SED-S 0.0 3.5 0.03 0.19\n29 COND-S 683 3950 1494.81 387.53\n30 RD-DBO-P 0.6 79.1 39.08 13.89\n31 RD-SS-P 5.3 96.1 58.51 12.75\n32 RD-SED-P 7.7 100 90.55 8.71\n33 RD-DBO-S 8.2 94.7 83.44 8.4\n34 RD-DQO-S 1.4 96.8 67.67 11.61\n35 RD-DBO-G 19.6 97 89.01 6.78\n36 RD-DQO-G 19.2 98.1 77.85 8.67\n37 RD-SS-G 10.3 99.4 88.96 8.15\n38 RD-SED-G 36.4 100 99.08 4.32\n\n\n8. Missing Attribute Values:\n\nN. Attrib. N. of Missings\n1 Q-E:\t18\n2 ZN-E:\t 3\n3 PH-E:\t 0\n4 DBO-E:\t23\n5 DQO-E:\t 6\n6 SS-E:\t 1\n7 SSV-E:\t11\n8 SED-E:\t25\n9 COND-E:\t 0\n10 PH-P:\t 0\n11 DBO-P:\t40\n12 SS-P:\t 0\n13 SSV-P:\t11\n14 SED-P:\t24\n15 COND-P:\t 0\n16 PH-D:\t 0\n17 DBO-D:\t28\n18 DQO-D:\t 9\n19 SS-D:\t 2\n20 SSV-D:\t13\n21 SED-D:\t25\n22 COND-D:\t 0\n23 PH-S:\t 1\n24 DBO-S:\t23\n25 DQO-S:\t18\n26 SS-S:\t 5\n27 SSV-S: 17\n28 SED-S: 28\n29 COND-S:\t 1\n30 RD-DBO-P: 62\n31 RD-SS-P: 4\n32 RD-SED-P: 27\n33 RD-DBO-S: 40\n34 RD-DQO-S: 26\n35 RD-DBO-G: 36\n36 RD-DQO-G: 25\n37 RD-SS-G: 8\n38 RD-SSED-G: 31\n\n\n9. Class Distribution\n\nThese are the classes induced by out conceptual clustering algorithm:\n\n-- Class 1: Normal situation\n\n- Objects (275 days):\n\nD-1\/3\/90 to D-12\/3\/90, D-16\/3\/90 to D-30\/3\/90, D-1\/2\/90 to D-19\/2\/90, D-21\/2\/90 to D-28\/2\/90,\nD-1\/1\/90 to D-26\/1\/90, D-29\/1\/90 to D-31\/1\/90, D-1\/6\/90 to D-4\/6\/90, D-6\/6\/90 to D-8\/6\/90,\nD-24\/6\/90, D-25\/6\/90, D-28\/6\/90, D-29\/6\/90, D-1\/5\/90 to D-6\/5\/90, D-8\/5\/90 to D-20\/5\/90,\nD-24\/5\/90, D-25\/5\/90, D-29\/5\/90, D-1\/4\/90, D-4\/4\/90 to D-8\/4\/90, D-10\/4\/90 to D-20\/4\/90,\nD-27\/4\/90, D-2\/7\/90, D-4\/7\/90 to D-8\/7\/90, D-12\/7\/90 to D-15\/7\/90, D-19\/7\/90, D-23\/7\/90,\nD-26\/7\/90, D-4\/9\/90, D-5\/9\/90, D-23\/9\/90, D-28\/9\/90, D-30\/9\/90, D-17\/8\/90, D-21\/8\/90 to D-25\/8\/90,\nD-29\/8\/90, D-30\/8\/90, D-3\/12\/90, D-9\/12\/90, D-16\/12\/90 to D-20\/12\/90, D-23\/12\/90, D-24\/12\/90,\nD-27\/12\/90 to D-30\/12\/90, D-6\/11\/90 to D-8\/11\/90, D-14\/11\/90, D-16\/11\/90, D-18\/11\/90,\nD-20\/11\/90, D-21\/11\/90, D-27\/11\/90, D-10\/10\/90, D-18\/10\/90, D-29\/10\/90, D-30\/10\/90,\nD-3\/3\/91 to D-6\/3\/91, D-10\/3\/91 to D-12\/3\/91, D-18\/3\/91, D-20\/3\/91, D-27\/3\/91, D-29\/3\/91,\nD-3\/2\/91, D-5\/2\/91, D-8\/2\/91, D-14\/2\/91, D-17\/2\/91, D-18\/2\/91, D-21\/2\/91 to D-24\/2\/91,\nD-1\/1\/91, D-2\/1\/91, D-6\/1\/91, D-8\/1\/91, D-10\/1\/91 to D-20\/1\/91, D-25\/1\/91, D-2\/5\/91, D-3\/5\/91,\nD-7\/5\/91, D-14\/5\/91, D-15\/5\/91, D-17\/5\/91, D-19\/5\/91, D-21\/5\/91 to D-23\/5\/91, D-1\/4\/91 to D-3\/4\/91,\nD-5\/4\/91 to D-12\/4\/91, D-15\/4\/91 to D-21\/4\/91, D-23\/4\/91, D-1\/7\/91, D-3\/7\/91, D-4\/7\/91, D-7\/7\/91,\nD-10\/7\/91 to D-12\/7\/91, D-15\/7\/91, D-16\/7\/91, D-22\/7\/91 to D-25\/7\/91, D-28\/7\/91, D-30\/7\/91, D-31\/7\/91,\nD-2\/6\/91 to D-4\/6\/91, D-6\/6\/91, D-7\/6\/91, D-13\/6\/91, D-16\/6\/91 to D-21\/6\/91, D-25\/6\/91 to D-30\/6\/91,\nD-4\/10\/91, D-6\/10\/91, D-17\/10\/91 to D-30\/10\/91, D-1\/8\/91, D-2\/8\/91, D-27\/8\/91, D-29\/8\/91.\n\n\n-- Class 2: Secondary settler problems-1\n\n- Objects (1 day): D-13\/3\/90\n\n-- Class 3: Secondary settler problems-2\n\n- Objects (1 day): D-14\/3\/90\n\n-- Class 4: Secondary settler problems-3\n\n- Objects (1 day): D-15\/3\/90, D-17\/7\/91 to D-19\/7\/91\n\n-- Class 5: Normal situation with performance over the mean\n\n- Objects (116 days):\n\nD-28\/1\/90, D-10\/6\/90 to D-22\/6\/90, D-26\/6\/90, D-27\/6\/90, D-7\/5\/90, D-21\/5\/90 to D-23\/5\/90,\nD-27\/5\/90, D-28\/5\/90, D-30\/5\/90, D-2\/4\/90, D-3\/4\/90, D-9\/4\/90, D-22\/4\/90 to D-26\/4\/90, D-1\/7\/90,\nD-3\/7\/90, D-9\/7\/90 to D-11\/7\/90, D-16\/7\/90 to D-18\/7\/90, D-20\/7\/90, D-22\/7\/90, D-24\/7\/90, D-25\/7\/90,\nD-27\/7\/90 to D-31\/7\/90, D-2\/9\/90, D-3\/9\/90, D-6\/9\/90 to D-13\/9\/90, D-16\/9\/90 to D-21\/9\/90,\nD-24\/9\/90 to D-27\/9\/90, D-1\/8\/90 to D-7\/8\/90, D-16\/8\/90, D-28\/8\/90, D-31\/8\/90, D-7\/12\/90,\nD-2\/11\/90, D-5\/11\/90, D-9\/11\/90, D-12\/11\/90, D-13\/11\/90, D-1\/10\/90 to D-5\/10\/90, D-24\/10\/90,\nD-25\/10\/90, D-1\/3\/91, D-8\/3\/91, D-17\/3\/91, D-26\/3\/91, D-31\/3\/91, D-9\/1\/91, D-10\/5\/91, D-16\/5\/91,\nD-20\/5\/91, D-29\/5\/91, D-30\/5\/91, D-14\/4\/91, D-22\/4\/91, D-24\/4\/91, D-25\/4\/91, D-5\/7\/91, D-8\/7\/91,\nD-9\/7\/91, D-21\/7\/91, D-26\/7\/91, D-5\/6\/91, D-10\/6\/91, D-12\/6\/91, D-14\/6\/91, D-2\/10\/91, D-8\/10\/91,\nD-9\/10\/91, D-11\/10\/91,D-13\/10\/91, D-16\/10\/91.\n\n-- Class 6: Solids overload-1\n\n- Objects (3 days): D-5\/6\/90 D-28\/5\/91 D-31\/5\/91\n\n-- Class 7: Secondary settler problems-4\n\n- Objects (1 day): D-29\/4\/90\n\n-- Class 8: Storm-1\n\n- Objects (1 day): D-14\/9\/90\n\n-- Class 9: Normal situation with low influent\n\n- Objects (69 days):\n\nD-8\/8\/90 to D-10\/8\/90, D-13\/8\/90, D-15\/8\/90, D-19\/8\/90, D-20\/8\/90, D-27\/8\/90, D-1\/11\/90,\nD-4\/11\/90, D-11\/11\/90, D-19\/11\/90, D-7\/10\/90 to D-9\/10\/90, D-12\/10\/90 to D-17\/10\/90,\nD-21\/10\/90, D-23\/10\/90, D-26\/10\/90, D-28\/10\/90, D-7\/3\/91, D-24\/3\/91, D-25\/3\/91,\nD-1\/5\/91, D-5\/5\/91, D-8\/5\/91, D-9\/5\/91, D-12\/5\/91, D-13\/5\/91, D-26\/5\/91, D-27\/5\/91,\nD-26\/4\/91, D-28\/4\/91, D-29\/4\/91, D-2\/7\/91, D-14\/7\/91, D-29\/7\/91, D-9\/6\/91, D-24\/6\/91,\nD-1\/10\/91, D-3\/10\/91, D-5\/10\/91, D-12\/10\/91, D-15\/10\/91, D-4\/8\/91 D-9\/8\/91 to D-26\/8\/91,\nD-28\/8\/91, D-30\/8\/91.\n\n-- Class 10: Storm-2\n\n- Objects (1 day): D-12\/8\/90\n\n-- Class 11: Normal situation\n\n- Objects (53 days):\n\nD-2\/12\/90, D-4\/12\/90, D-6\/12\/90, D-10\/12\/90 to D-14\/12\/90 D-21\/12\/90, D-26\/12\/90,\nD-15\/11\/90, D-22\/11\/90 to D-26\/11\/90, D-28\/11\/90 to D-30\/11\/90, D-19\/10\/90,\nD-13\/3\/91 to D-15\/3\/91, D-19\/3\/91, D-21\/3\/91, D-22\/3\/91, D-1\/2\/91, D-4\/2\/91,\nD-6\/2\/91, D-7\/2\/91, D-10\/2\/91 to D-13\/2\/91, D-15\/2\/91, D-19\/2\/91,\nD-25\/2\/91 to D-28\/2\/91, D-3\/1\/91, D-4\/1\/91, D-7\/1\/91, D-21\/1\/91 to D-24\/1\/91,\nD-27\/1\/91 to D-31\/1\/91, D-6\/5\/91, D-4\/4\/91.\n\n-- Class 12: Storm-3\n\n- Objects (1 day): D-22\/10\/90\n\n-- Class 13: Solids overload-2\n\n- Objects (1 day): D-24\/5\/91\n\n\n\n-- Comments to the data file:\n\nThe first element of each line is the day of the data,\nthe rest are the attribute values\n\n\n\n\nInformation about the dataset\nCLASSTYPE: numeric\nCLASSINDEX: none specific", "format": "ARFF", "uploader": "Joaquin Vanschoren", "uploader_id": 2, "visibility": "public", "creator": null, "contributor": null, "date": "2014-10-03 21:52:57", "update_comment": "set target feature", "last_update": "2014-10-07 02:03:46", "licence": "Public", "status": "active", "error_message": null, "url": "https:\/\/www.openml.org\/data\/download\/52743\/water-treatment.arff", "default_target_attribute": "RD-SED-G", "row_id_attribute": null, "ignore_attribute": "\"date\",\"Q-E\"", "runs": 0, "suggest": { "input": [ "water-treatment", "1. Title: Faults in a urban waste water treatment plant 2. Source Information: -- Creators: Manel Poch (igte2@cc.uab.es) Unitat d'Enginyeria Quimica Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Bellaterra. Barcelona; Spain -- Donor: Javier Bejar and Ulises Cortes (bejar@lsi.upc.es) Dept. Llenguatges i Sistemes Informatics; Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. Barcelona; Spain -- Date: June, 1993 3. Past Usage: 1. J. De Gracia. ``Avaluacio de tecniques de classificacio per a la gestio de Bioprocessos: Apl " ], "weight": 5 }, "qualities": [], "tags": [ { "uploader": "38960", "tag": "Chemistry" }, { "uploader": "38960", "tag": "Life Science" }, { "uploader": "5824", "tag": "study_130" } ], "features": [ { "name": "RD-SED-G", "index": "38", "type": "numeric", "distinct": "40", "missing": "31", "target": "1", "min": "36", "max": "100", "mean": "99", "stdev": "4" }, { "name": "date", "index": "0", "type": "nominal", "distinct": "527", "missing": "0", "ignore": "1", "distr": [] }, { "name": "Q-E", "index": "1", "type": "nominal", "distinct": "503", "missing": "18", "ignore": "1", "distr": [] }, { "name": "ZN-E", "index": "2", "type": "numeric", "distinct": "168", "missing": "3", "min": "0", "max": "34", "mean": "2", "stdev": "3" }, { "name": "PH-E", "index": "3", "type": "numeric", "distinct": "16", "missing": "0", "min": "7", "max": "9", "mean": "8", "stdev": "0" }, { "name": "DBO-E", "index": "4", 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