{ "data_id": "528", "name": "humandevel", "exact_name": "humandevel", "version": 1, "version_label": null, "description": "**Author**: \n**Source**: Unknown - Date unknown \n**Please cite**: \n\nHuman Development Index [DATA]\nUnited Nations Development Program compiled an Index of Human\nDevelopment. Column 1: Country(character) 2: Index 3: GNP\n\n\nGNP PER\nCAPITA RANK RANK -\nRANK HDI 1987 GNP RANK\n\n1 Niger 0.116 20 -19\n2 Mali 0.143 15 -13\n3 Burkina Faso 0.150 13 -10\n4 Sierra Leone 0.150 27 -23\n5 Chad 0.157 4 1\n\n6 Guinea 0.162 31 -25\n7 Somalia 0.200 23 -16\n8 Mauritania 0.208 40 -32\n9 Afghanistan 0.212 17 -8\n10 Benin 0.212 28 -18\n\n11 Burundi 0.235 18 -7\n12 Bhutan 0.236 3 9\n13 Mozambique 0.239 10 3\n14 Malawi 0.250 7 7\n15 Sudan 0.255 32 -17\n\n16 Central Afr. Rep. 0.258 29 -13\n17 Nepal 0.273 8 9\n18 Senegal 0.274 43 -25\n19 Ethiopia 0.282 1 18\n20 Zaire 0.294 5 15\n\n21 Rwanda 0.304 26 -5\n22 Angola 0.304 58 -36\n23 Bangladesh 0.318 6 17\n24 Nigeria 0.322 36 -12\n25 Yemen Arab Rep. 0.328 47 -22\n\n26 Liberia 0.333 42 -16\n27 Togo 0.337 24 3\n28 Uganda 0.354 21 7\n29 Haiti 0.356 34 -5\n30 Ghana 0.360 37 -7\n\n31 Yemen PDR 0.369 39 -8\n32 Cote d'Ivoire 0.393 52 -20\n33 Congo 0.395 59 -26\n34 Namibia 0.404 60 -26\n35 Tanzania 0.413 12 23\n\n36 Pakistan 0.423 33 3\n37 India 0.439 25 12\n38 Madagascar 0.440 14 24\n39 Papua New Guinea 0.471 50 -11\n40 Kampuchea 0.471 2 38\n\n41 Cameroon 0.474 64 -23\n42 Kenya 0.481 30 12\n43 Zambia 0.481 19 24\n44 Morocco 0.489 48 -4\n45 Egypt 0.501 49 -4\n\n46 Laos 0.506 9 37\n47 Gabon 0.525 93 -46\n48 Oman 0.535 104 -56\n49 Bolivia 0.548 44 5\n50 Burma (Myanmar) 0.561 11 39\n\n51 Honduras 0.563 53 -2\n52 Zimbabwe 0.576 45 7\n53 Lesotho 0.580 35 18\n54 Indonesia 0.591 41 13\n55 Guatemala 0.592 63 -8\n\n56 Viet Nam 0.608 16 40\n57 Algeria 0.609 91 -34\n58 Botwswana 0.646 69 -11\n59 El Salvador 0.651 56 3\n60 Tunisia 0.657 70 -10\n\n61 Iran 0.660 97 -36\n62 Syria 0.691 79 -17\n63 Dominican Rep. 0.699 51 12\n64 Saudi Arabia 0.702 107 -43\n65 Philipines 0.714 46 19\n\n66 China 0.716 22 44\n67 Libya 0.719 103 -36\n68 South Africa 0.731 82 -14\n69 Lebanon 0.735 78 -9\n70 Mongolia 0.737 57 13\n\n71 Nicaragua 0.743 54 17\n72 Turkey 0.751 71 1\n73 Jordan 0.752 76 -3\n74 Peru 0.753 74 0\n75 Ecuador 0.758 68 7\n\n76 Iraq 0.759 96 -20\n77 United Arab Emir. 0.782 127 -50\n78 Thailand 0.783 55 23\n79 Paraguay 0.784 65 14\n80 Brazil 0.784 85 -5\n\n81 Mauritius 0.788 75 6\n82 Korea, Dem. Rep. 0.789 67 15\n83 Sri Lanka 0.789 38 45\n84 Albania 0.790 61 23\n85 Malaysia 0.800 80 5\n\n86 Colombia 0.801 72 14\n87 Jamaica 0.824 62 25\n88 Kuwait 0.824 122 -34\n89 Venezuela 0.861 95 -6\n90 Romania 0.863 84 6\n\n91 Mexico 0.876 81 10\n92 Cuba 0.877 66 26\n93 Panama 0.883 88 5\n94 Trinidad\/Tobago 0.885 100 -6\n95 Portugal 0.899 94 1\n\n96 Singapore 0.899 110 -14\n97 Korea, Rep. 0.903 92 5\n98 Poland 0.910 83 15\n99 Argentina 0.910 89 10\n100 Yugoslavia 0.913 90 10\n\n101 Hungary 0.915 87 14\n102 Uruguay 0.916 86 16\n103 Costa Rica 0.916 77 26\n104 Bulgaria 0.918 99 5\n105 USSR 0.920 101 4\n\n106 Czechoslovakia 0.931 102 4\n107 Chile 0.931 73 34\n108 Hong Kong 0.936 111 -3\n109 Greece 0.946 98 11\n110 German Dem. Rep. 0.953 115 -5\n\n111 Israel 0.957 108 3\n112 USA 0.961 129 -17\n113 Austria 0.961 118 -5\n114 Ireland 0.961 106 8\n115 Spain 0.965 105 10\n\n116 Belgium 0.966 116 0\n117 Italy 0.966 112 5\n118 New Zealand 0.966 109 9\n119 Germany, Fed. R. 0.967 120 -1\n120 Finland 0.967 121 -1\n\n121 United Kingdom 0.970 113 8\n122 Denmark 0.971 123 -1\n123 France 0.974 119 4\n124 Australia 0.978 114 10\n125 Norway 0.983 128 -3\n\n126 Canada 0.983 124 2\n127 Netherlands 0.984 117 10\n128 Switzerland 0.986 130 -2\n129 Sweden 0.987 125 4\n130 Japan 0.996 126 4\n\n\n[From 5 September \"Mennonite Weekly Review\"]\n\nPosted on Activist's Mailing List (ACTIV-L@UMCVMB) which should\nlegally place the data in the public domain, right?\n\nCopied from there and contributed by Tim Arnold (arnold@stat.ncsu.edu)\n\n================================================================\n\nHuman Development Index [INFO]\nUnited Nations Development Program compiled an Index of Human\nDevelopment. Information file companion to the DATA file.\n============================================================================\n\nTo measure the quality of life in a nation, the United Nations Development\nProgram started figuring a Human Development Index. A nation's HDI is\ncomposed of life expectancy, adult literacy and Gross National Product per\ncapita.\n\nBy combining these three elements and by pitting each nation's indicators\nagainst \"the best,\" we come up with a worldwide HDI. Comparing the HDI\nrating with the traditional GNP per capita rating reveals some poor\ncountries' remarkable progress in human development.\n\nThese countries got more bang for their development buck by giving their\naid to the most needy people. The comparison also shows that some\ncountries, including the U.S., did not translate their wealth into social\nbenefits.\n\nIn the HDI rankings, the Arab and Moslem countries come out poorly, mainly\nbecause of low literacy among women. The formerly communist countries\ncome out rather well because literacy is a priority and their GNP is\ngenerally low.\n\nLatin America comes out with many plusses because their GNPs are low while\nthey still enjoy the higher literacy and improved health-care investments\nof earlier years.\n\nAfrica is a mixed lot. Some oil exporters, such as Angola, Gabon,\nCameroon and the Congo, did not translate their wealth into social\nbenefits. Others--Tanzania, Madagascar, Zambia, which have poorly managed\neconomies--were still able to improve their people's health and schooling.\n\nAmong the wealthier countries, the physical and educational benefits\ngenerally kept pace with improved economies. An exception is the U.S.,\nwhere the economy flourished in the '80s but social services stagnated and\ndeclined.\n\nThe chart below lists the world's countries according to their Human\nDevelopment Index--a measure of quality of life based on life expectancy,\nadult literacy and Gross National Product per capita. The nations are\nranked from lowest quality of life to highest. The \"HDI rank minus GNP\nrank column measures how well the nations translate the wealth they have\ninto benefits for their citizens. A positive number in this column\nindicates the country makes good use of its resources to help its people.\nA negative number indicates it does not.\n=======================================================================\nPosted on Activist's Mailing List (ACTIV-L@UMCVMB) which should\nlegally place the data in the public domain, right?\n\nCopied from there and contributed by Tim Arnold (arnold@stat.ncsu.edu)\n\n\n\nInformation about the dataset\nCLASSTYPE: numeric\nCLASSINDEX: none specific", "format": "ARFF", "uploader": "Joaquin Vanschoren", "uploader_id": 2, "visibility": "public", "creator": null, "contributor": "Tim Arnold", "date": "2014-09-29 00:08:01", "update_comment": "rank is a row id", "last_update": "2015-04-15 17:29:24", "licence": "Public", "status": "active", "error_message": null, "url": "https:\/\/www.openml.org\/data\/download\/52640\/humandevel.arff", "default_target_attribute": "hdi", "row_id_attribute": "rank", "ignore_attribute": "\"country\"", "runs": 2, "suggest": { "input": [ "humandevel", "Human Development Index [DATA] United Nations Development Program compiled an Index of Human Development. Column 1: Country(character) 2: Index 3: GNP GNP PER CAPITA RANK RANK - RANK HDI 1987 GNP RANK 1 Niger 0.116 20 -19 2 Mali 0.143 15 -13 3 Burkina Faso 0.150 13 -10 4 Sierra Leone 0.150 27 -23 5 Chad 0.157 4 1 6 Guinea 0.162 31 -25 7 Somalia 0.200 23 -16 8 Mauritania 0.208 40 -32 9 Afghanistan 0.212 17 -8 10 Benin 0.212 28 -18 11 Burundi 0.235 18 -7 12 Bhutan 0.236 3 9 13 Mozambique 0.239 10 " ], "weight": 5 }, "qualities": { "NumberOfInstances": 130, "NumberOfFeatures": 2, "NumberOfClasses": 0, "NumberOfMissingValues": 0, "NumberOfInstancesWithMissingValues": 0, "NumberOfNumericFeatures": 2, "NumberOfSymbolicFeatures": 0, "MeanSkewnessOfNumericAtts": -0.1751942345157802, "Quartile1StdDevOfNumericAtts": 0.2716301564997808, "REPTreeDepth2AUC": null, "CfsSubsetEval_kNN1NErrRate": null, "kNN1NAUC": null, "J48.001.Kappa": null, "MeanStdDevOfNumericAtts": 18.971729355679237, "Quartile2AttributeEntropy": null, "REPTreeDepth2ErrRate": null, "CfsSubsetEval_kNN1NKappa": null, "kNN1NErrRate": 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