{ "data_id": "465", "name": "analcatdata_cyyoung8092", "exact_name": "analcatdata_cyyoung8092", "version": 1, "version_label": null, "description": "**Author**: \n**Source**: Unknown - Date unknown \n**Please cite**: \n\nanalcatdata A collection of data sets used in the book \"Analyzing Categorical Data,\"\nby Jeffrey S. Simonoff, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003. The submission\nconsists of a zip file containing two versions of each of 84 data sets,\nplus this README file. Each data set is given in comma-delimited ASCII\n(.csv) form, and Microsoft Excel (.xls) form.\n\nNOTICE: These data sets may be used freely for scientific, educational and\/or\nnoncommercial purposes, provided suitable acknowledgment is given (by citing\nthe above-named reference).\n\nFurther details concerning the book, including information on statistical software\n(including sample S-PLUS\/R and SAS code), are available at the web site\n\nhttp:\/\/www.stern.nyu.edu\/~jsimonof\/AnalCatData\n\n\nInformation about the dataset\nCLASSTYPE: nominal\nCLASSINDEX: last\n\n\nNote: Quotes, Single-Quotes and Backslashes were removed, Blanks replaced\nwith Underscores", "format": "ARFF", "uploader": "Joaquin Vanschoren", "uploader_id": 2, "visibility": "public", "creator": "Jeffrey S. Simonoff", "contributor": null, "date": "2014-09-28 23:51:18", "update_comment": null, "last_update": "2014-09-28 23:51:18", "licence": "Public", "status": "active", "error_message": null, "url": "https:\/\/www.openml.org\/data\/download\/52577\/analcatdata_cyyoung8092.arff", "default_target_attribute": "Cy_Young", "row_id_attribute": null, "ignore_attribute": null, "runs": 698, "suggest": { "input": [ "analcatdata_cyyoung8092", "analcatdata A collection of data sets used in the book \"Analyzing Categorical Data,\" by Jeffrey S. Simonoff, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003. The submission consists of a zip file containing two versions of each of 84 data sets, plus this README file. Each data set is given in comma-delimited ASCII (.csv) form, and Microsoft Excel (.xls) form. NOTICE: These data sets may be used freely for scientific, educational and\/or noncommercial purposes, provided suitable acknowledgment is given (by citing " ], "weight": 5 }, "qualities": { "NumberOfInstances": 97, "NumberOfFeatures": 11, "NumberOfClasses": 2, "NumberOfMissingValues": 0, "NumberOfInstancesWithMissingValues": 0, "NumberOfNumericFeatures": 7, "NumberOfSymbolicFeatures": 4, "MeanSkewnessOfNumericAtts": -0.020321797177008594, "Quartile1StdDevOfNumericAtts": 0.691644117340375, "REPTreeDepth2AUC": 0.514269406392694, "CfsSubsetEval_kNN1NErrRate": 0.17525773195876287, "kNN1NAUC": 0.5225456621004566, "J48.001.Kappa": 0.4044781509570241, "MeanStdDevOfNumericAtts": 25.509447604043498, "Quartile2AttributeEntropy": 0.9999233329473267, "REPTreeDepth2ErrRate": 0.26804123711340205, "CfsSubsetEval_kNN1NKappa": 0.4044781509570241, "kNN1NErrRate": 0.31958762886597936, "MajorityClassPercentage": 75.25773195876289, "MinAttributeEntropy": 0.9999233329473267, "Quartile2KurtosisOfNumericAtts": -1.0638322439395984, "REPTreeDepth2Kappa": -0.039571310799670266, "ClassEntropy": 0.8071675554288905, "kNN1NKappa": 0.018282729350310254, "MajorityClassSize": 73, "MinKurtosisOfNumericAtts": -1.804438462331662, "Quartile2MeansOfNumericAtts": 19, "REPTreeDepth3AUC": 0.514269406392694, "DecisionStumpAUC": 0.6695205479452054, "MaxAttributeEntropy": 5.7068284042171245, "MinMeansOfNumericAtts": 0.5965567010309278, "Quartile2MutualInformation": 0.10960074697762, "REPTreeDepth3ErrRate": 0.26804123711340205, "DecisionStumpErrRate": 0.20618556701030927, "MaxKurtosisOfNumericAtts": 0.910163421455668, "MinMutualInformation": 2.520698808e-5, "Quartile2SkewnessOfNumericAtts": -0.026634937479918942, "REPTreeDepth3Kappa": -0.039571310799670266, "DecisionStumpKappa": 0.33470507544581596, "MaxMeansOfNumericAtts": 1986.4639175257732, "MinNominalAttDistinctValues": 2, "PercentageOfBinaryFeatures": 27.27272727272727, "Quartile2StdDevOfNumericAtts": 7.972851809696542, 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