Author: Barbara and Frederick Hayes-Roth
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Hayes-Roth Database
This is a merged version of the separate train and test set which are usually distributed. On OpenML this train-test split can be found as one of the possible tasks.
Source Information:
(a) Creators: Barbara and Frederick Hayes-Roth
(b) Donor: David W. Aha ( (714) 856-8779
(c) Date: March, 1989
Attribute Information:
-- 1. name: distinct for each instance and represented numerically
-- 2. hobby: nominal values ranging between 1 and 3
-- 3. age: nominal values ranging between 1 and 4
-- 4. educational level: nominal values ranging between 1 and 4
-- 5. marital status: nominal values ranging between 1 and 4
-- 6. class: nominal value between 1 and 3
Detailed description of the experiment:
1. 3 categories (1, 2, and neither -- which I call 3)
-- some of the instances could be classified in either class 1 or 2, and they have been evenly distributed between the two classes
2. 5 Attributes
-- A. name (a randomly-generated number between 1 and 132)
-- B. hobby (a randomly-generated number between 1 and 3)
-- C. age (a number between 1 and 4)
-- D. education level (a number between 1 and 4)
-- E. marital status (a number between 1 and 4)
3. Classification:
-- only attributes C-E are diagnostic; values for A and B are ignored
-- Class Neither: if a 4 occurs for any attribute C-E
-- Class 1: Otherwise, if (# of 1's)>(# of 2's) for attributes C-E
-- Class 2: Otherwise, if (# of 2's)>(# of 1's) for attributes C-E
-- Either 1 or 2: Otherwise, if (# of 2's)=(# of 1's) for attributes C-E
4. Prototypes:
-- Class 1: 111
-- Class 2: 222
-- Class Either: 333
-- Class Neither: 444
We have redefined the number of classes to account for the real number of observations.