Mean daily flow in cubic meters per second (cumecs) of the Saugeen River.
From original source:
Mean daily flow in cubic meters per second (cumecs) of the Saugeen River at Walkerton, Jan 1,
1915 to Dec 31, 1979
There are 4 columns:
id_series: The id of the time series.
date: The date of the time series in the format "%Y-%m-%d".
time_step: The time step on the time series.
value_0: The values of the time series, which will be used for the forecasting task.
1 - Reset index and dropped 'dim_1'.
2 - Renamed 'dim_0' to date and standardize format to %Y-%m-%d.
3 - Created the column 'id_series' with value 0, there is only one long time series.
4 - Ensured that there are no missing dates and that the frequency of the time_series is daily.
5 - Created column 'time_step' with increasing values of time step for the time series.
6 - Casted column 'value_0' to float. Defined 'id_series' as 'category'.