

in_preparation ARFF Public Domain (CC0) Visibility: public Uploaded 31-05-2024 by Iwo Godzwon
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Description: This dataset, named pokemon_data.csv, provides a comprehensive overview of various Pokemon attributes across different generations. It includes data for pokemon such as Gallade, Fomantis, Perrserker, Diggersby, and Salamence. Key attributes encompass a Pokemon's dex number, name, generation, primary and secondary types, species, physical dimensions (height and weight), abilities (including hidden abilities), HP, attack, defense, special attack and defense, speed, total stat values, effort value (EV) yield, catch rate, base friendship level, base experience, growth rate, egg groups, gender distribution, egg cycles, and special group category. Attribute Description: - dexnum: Pokemon's unique identification number. - name: Name of the Pokemon. - generation: The generation to which the Pokemon belongs. - type1 & type2: Primary and secondary types, indicating strengths and weaknesses. - species: The species classification. - height & weight: Physical measurements. - ability1, ability2, & hidden_ability: Various abilities a Pokemon might possess. - hp, attack, defense, sp_atk, sp_def, & speed: Statistical values indicating a Pokemon's performance in battles. - total: Sum of all stat values. - ev_yield: The type and amount of effort values provided when defeated. - catch_rate: Difficulty of catching the Pokemon. - base_friendship: Initial friendship level. - base_exp: The base experience awarded when defeated. - growth_rate: How quickly the Pokemon levels up. - egg_group1 & egg_group2: Egg groups for breeding. - percent_male & percent_female: Gender distribution. - egg_cycles: Number of cycles required for an egg to hatch. - special_group: Indicates any special category the Pokemon may belong to. Use Case: This dataset is valuable for researchers and developers working on projects requiring detailed Pokemon statistics and relationships for various applications, including video games, educational tools, and data analysis platforms aiming to study Pokemon evolution, effectiveness in battles, breeding patterns, or growth trajectories. It serves as a foundational database for creating predictive models, comparative analyses, or enhancing game mechanics based on empirical Pokemon data.

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