Problem validating uploaded description file: XML does not correspond to XSD schema. Error Element '{}name': [facet 'maxLength'] The value has a length of '130'; this exceeds the allowed maximum length of '64'.
on line 339 column 0. Error Element '{}name': 'Naive_Bayes_Classifier_Attrition_Flag_Card_Category_Contacts_Count_12_mon_Dependent_count_Education_Level_Months_Inactive_12_mon_1' is not a valid value of the atomic type '{}basic_latin64'.
on line 339 column 0. Error Element '{}name': [facet 'maxLength'] The value has a length of '130'; this exceeds the allowed maximum length of '64'.
on line 356 column 0. Error Element '{}name': 'Naive_Bayes_Classifier_Attrition_Flag_Card_Category_Contacts_Count_12_mon_Dependent_count_Education_Level_Months_Inactive_12_mon_2' is not a valid value of the atomic type '{}basic_latin64'.
on line 356 column 0.