Data Description
Dataset is a cross-section study from 1993 in United States.
It presents dataset about health insurance and hours worked by wives. Each instance is a data about a married woman.
Attribute Description
1. *whrswk* - hours worked per week by wife, target feature
2. *hhi* - whether wife covered by husband's health insurance
3. *whi* - whether wife has health insurance through her job ?
4. *hhi2* - whether husband has health insurance through her job ?
5. *education* - a factor with levels, "<9years", "9-11years", "12years", "13-15years", "16years", ">16years"
6. *race* - "white", "black", "other"
7. *hispanic* - "yes" or "no"
8". *experience* - years of potential work experience
9. *kidslt6* - number of kids under age of 6
10. *kids618* - number of kids 6-18 years old
11. *husby* - husband's income in thousands of dollars
12. *region* - one of "other", "northcentral", "south", "west"
13. *wght* - sampling weight (should be ignored)