Data description
The dataset contains information on 13,932 single-family homes sold in Miami .
The goal is to predict the sale price.
Attribute description
The dataset contains the following columns:
* PARCELNO: unique identifier for each property. About 1% appear multiple times.
* SALE_PRC: sale price ($)
* LND_SQFOOT: land area (square feet)
* TOTLVGAREA: floor area (square feet)
* SPECFEATVAL: value of special features (e.g., swimming pools) ($)
* RAIL_DIST: distance to the nearest rail line (an indicator of noise) (feet)
* OCEAN_DIST: distance to the ocean (feet)
* WATER_DIST: distance to the nearest body of water (feet)
* CNTR_DIST: distance to the Miami central business district (feet)
* SUBCNTR_DI: distance to the nearest subcenter (feet)
* HWY_DIST: distance to the nearest highway (an indicator of noise) (feet)
* age: age of the structure
* avno60plus: dummy variable for airplane noise exceeding an acceptable level
* structure_quality: quality of the structure
* month_sold: sale month in 2016 (1 = jan)