Data Description
The local stability analysis of the 4-node star system (electricity producer is in the center) implementing Decentral Smart Grid Control concept was performed.
This dataset contains simulations regarding electrical grid stability. The model is composed of a generator model and an economic model.
The analysis is performed for different sets of input values. Several input values are kept the same: averaging time - 2s, coupling strength - 8s^-2, damping - 0.1s^-1.
The goal is to estimate the stability of the system.
Attribute Description
14 features describing the system:
1. *tau[1-4]* - reaction time of participant (real from the range [0.5,10]s), tau1 - value for electricity producer
2. *p[1-4]* - nominal power consumed(negative) / produced(positive)(real). For consumers from the range [-0.5,-2]s^-2; p1 = abs(p2 + p3 + p4)
3. *g[1-4]* - coefficient (gamma) proportional to price elasticity (real from the range [0.05,1]s^-1), g1 - the value for electricity producer
4. *stab* - the maximal real part of the characteristic equation root (if positive - the system is linearly unstable), target feature
5. *stabf* - the stability label of the system (categorical: stable/unstable), alternate target feature for a classification task