This dataset was obtained from the AER R package (see citation request below).
Data description
Cross-section data originating from the March 1988 Current Population Survey by the US Census Bureau.
The data is a sample of men aged 18 to 70 with positive annual income greater than USD 50 in 1992, who
are not self-employed nor working without pay. Wages are deflated by the deflator of Personal
Consumption Expenditure for 1992.
A problem with CPS data is that it does not provide actual work experience. It is therefore customary
to compute experience as age - education - 6 (as was done by Bierens and Ginther, 2001), this
may be considered potential experience. As a result, some respondents have negative experience
Attribute Information
* wage Wage (in dollars per week).
* education Number of years of education.
* experience Number of years of potential work experience.
* ethnicity Factor with levels "cauc" and "afam" (African-American).
* smsa Factor. Does the individual reside in a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA)?
* region Factor with levels "northeast", "midwest", "south", "west".
* parttime Factor. Does the individual work part-time?
Citation Request
Christian Kleiber and Achim Zeileis (2008). Applied Econometrics with
R. New York: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-0-387-77316-2. URL
title={Applied econometrics with R},
author={Kleiber, Christian and Zeileis, Achim},
publisher={Springer Science \& Business Media}