This dataset contains information from all 400 Pokemon in generation eight.
No.: Pokedex number
Name: Pokemon name in english
Ability1: Pokemon ability
Ability2: Pokemon second ability (if available)
Hidden_Ability: A Pokemon's hidden ability (if available)
Type1: A Pokemon's typing (e.g. fire, water, flying, etc.)
Type2: A Pokemon's secondary typing (if available)
HP: Base HP stat
Att: Base Attack stat
Def: Base Defense Stat
S.Att: Base Special Attack stat
S.Def: Base Special Defense stat
Spd: Base Speed stat
Weight_kg: Pokemon's weight in kilogram
Height_m: Pokemon's height in meters
Weight_lbs: Pokemon's weight in pounds
Height_ft: Pokemon's height in feet
Cap_Rate: Pokemon's capture rate
Egg_Steps: Base number of steps for a Pokemon's egg to hatch
This information was scraped from