This is a forked subset of the Uber Pickups in New York City, enriched with weather, borough, and holidays information.
I created this dataset for a personal project of exploring and predicting pickups in the area by merging data that intuitively seem possible factors for the analysis. These are:
Uber Pickups in New York City, from 01/01/2015 to 30/06/2015 (uber-raw-data-janjune-15.csv). (by FiveThirtyEight via
Weather data from National Centers for Environmental Information.
LocationID to Borough mapping. (by FiveThirtyEight)
NYC public holidays.
The main dataset contained over 10 million observations of 4 variables which aggregated per hour and borough, and then joined with the rest of the datasets producing 29,101 observations across 13 variables. These are:
pickup_dt: Time period of the observations.
borough: NYC's borough.
pickups: Number of pickups for the period.
spd: Wind speed in miles/hour.
vsb: Visibility in Miles to nearest tenth.
temp: temperature in Fahrenheit.
dewp: Dew point in Fahrenheit.
slp: Sea level pressure.
pcp01: 1-hour liquid precipitation.
pcp06: 6-hour liquid precipitation.
pcp24: 24-hour liquid precipitation.
sd: Snow depth in inches.
hday: Being a holiday (Y) or not (N).
Acknowledgements / Original datasets:
Uber Pickups in New York City, from 01/01/2015 to 30/06/2015 (uber-raw-data-janjune-15.csv). (by FiveThirtyEight via
Weather data from National Centers for Environmental Information.
LocationID to Borough mapping. (by FiveThirtyEight)
(Picture credits: Buck Ennis)