{ "data_id": "43717", "name": "Consumer-Price-Index-in-Denver-CO", "exact_name": "Consumer-Price-Index-in-Denver-CO", "version": 1, "version_label": "v1.0", "description": "Context:\nThe Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) program produces monthly data on changes in the prices paid by urban consumers for a representative basket of goods and services. It is a useful way to compare changes in the economy across time.\nContent:\nThis data covers Jan 1913-May 2017, and is normalized to CPI-U all items 1982-84=100, not seasonally adjusted. Fields include time of measurement and CPI score.\nAcknowledgements:\nThis dataset was compiled on behalf of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) via Colorado Department of Labor Employment (CDLE) and hosted on data.colorado.gov.\nInspiration:\n\nWhat periods of time have seen the highest\/lowest CPI? \nWhen has inflation been the worse?\nCan you predict present CPI?", "format": "arff", "uploader": "Dustin Carrion", "uploader_id": 30123, "visibility": "public", "creator": null, "contributor": null, "date": "2022-03-24 07:31:59", "update_comment": null, "last_update": "2022-03-24 07:31:59", "licence": "CC0: Public Domain", "status": "active", "error_message": null, "url": "https:\/\/www.openml.org\/data\/download\/22102542\/dataset", "default_target_attribute": null, "row_id_attribute": null, "ignore_attribute": null, "runs": 0, "suggest": { "input": [ "Consumer-Price-Index-in-Denver-CO", "Context: The Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) program produces monthly data on changes in the prices paid by urban consumers for a representative basket of goods and services. It is a useful way to compare changes in the economy across time. Content: This data covers Jan 1913-May 2017, and is normalized to CPI-U all items 1982-84=100, not seasonally adjusted. Fields include time of measurement and CPI score. Acknowledgements: This dataset was compiled on behalf of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS " ], "weight": 5 }, "qualities": { "NumberOfInstances": 4349, "NumberOfFeatures": 17, "NumberOfClasses": null, "NumberOfMissingValues": 218, "NumberOfInstancesWithMissingValues": 218, "NumberOfNumericFeatures": 11, "NumberOfSymbolicFeatures": 0, "Dimensionality": 0.00390894458496206, "PercentageOfNumericFeatures": 64.70588235294117, "MajorityClassPercentage": null, "PercentageOfSymbolicFeatures": 0, "MajorityClassSize": null, "MinorityClassPercentage": null, "MinorityClassSize": null, "NumberOfBinaryFeatures": 0, "PercentageOfBinaryFeatures": 0, "PercentageOfInstancesWithMissingValues": 5.012646585421936, "AutoCorrelation": null, "PercentageOfMissingValues": 0.29486156384834916 }, "tags": [ { "uploader": "38960", "tag": "Machine Learning" }, { "uploader": "38960", "tag": "Transportation" } ], "features": [ { "name": "stateFips", "index": "0", "type": "numeric", "distinct": "2", "missing": "0", "min": "0", "max": "8", "mean": "0", "stdev": "2" }, { "name": "area", "index": "1", "type": "numeric", "distinct": "2", "missing": "0", "min": "0", "max": "2", "mean": "0", "stdev": "0" }, { "name": "areaType", "index": "2", "type": "numeric", "distinct": "2", "missing": "0", "min": "0", "max": "24", "mean": "1", "stdev": "6" }, { "name": "period", "index": "3", "type": "numeric", "distinct": "13", "missing": "0", "min": "0", "max": "12", "mean": "6", "stdev": "4" }, { "name": "periodYear", "index": "4", "type": "numeric", "distinct": "102", "missing": "0", "min": "1913", "max": "2014", "mean": "1970", "stdev": "27" }, { "name": "periodType", "index": "5", "type": "numeric", "distinct": "3", "missing": "0", "min": "1", "max": "7", "mean": "3", "stdev": "1" }, { "name": "periodTypeDescription", "index": "6", "type": "string", "distinct": "3", "missing": "0" }, { "name": "cpi", "index": "7", "type": "numeric", "distinct": "1639", "missing": "0", "min": "10", "max": "488", "mean": "83", "stdev": "74" }, { "name": "title", "index": "8", "type": "string", "distinct": "13", "missing": "0" }, { "name": "type", "index": "9", "type": "numeric", "distinct": "13", "missing": "0", "min": "1", "max": "59", "mean": "5", "stdev": "11" }, { "name": "source", "index": "10", "type": "numeric", "distinct": "1", "missing": "0", "min": "1", "max": "1", "mean": "1", "stdev": "0" }, { "name": "cpiSourceDescription", "index": "11", "type": "string", "distinct": "1", "missing": "0" }, { "name": "percentChangeYear", "index": "12", "type": "numeric", "distinct": "293", "missing": "0", "min": "-16", "max": "24", "mean": "3", "stdev": "4" }, { "name": "percentChangeMonth", "index": "13", "type": "numeric", "distinct": "113", "missing": "218", "min": "-9", "max": "11", "mean": "0", "stdev": "1" }, { "name": "dataRegion", "index": "14", "type": "string", "distinct": "2", "missing": "0" }, { "name": "areaName", "index": "15", "type": "string", "distinct": "2", "missing": "0" }, { "name": "areaDescription", "index": "16", "type": "string", "distinct": "2", "missing": "0" } ], "nr_of_issues": 0, "nr_of_downvotes": 0, "nr_of_likes": 0, "nr_of_downloads": 0, "total_downloads": 0, "reach": 0, "reuse": 0, "impact_of_reuse": 0, "reach_of_reuse": 0, "impact": 0 }