

active ARFF CC0: Public Domain Visibility: public Uploaded 24-03-2022 by Dustin Carrion
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Context This dataset contains information on all 802 Pokemon from all Seven Generations of Pokemon. The information contained in this dataset include Base Stats, Performance against Other Types, Height, Weight, Classification, Egg Steps, Experience Points, Abilities, etc. The information was scraped from Content name: The English name of the Pokemon japanese_name: The Original Japanese name of the Pokemon pokedex_number: The entry number of the Pokemon in the National Pokedex percentage_male: The percentage of the species that are male. Blank if the Pokemon is genderless. type1: The Primary Type of the Pokemon type2: The Secondary Type of the Pokemon classification: The Classification of the Pokemon as described by the Sun and Moon Pokedex height_m: Height of the Pokemon in metres weight_kg: The Weight of the Pokemon in kilograms capture_rate: Capture Rate of the Pokemon baseeggsteps: The number of steps required to hatch an egg of the Pokemon abilities: A stringified list of abilities that the Pokemon is capable of having experience_growth: The Experience Growth of the Pokemon base_happiness: Base Happiness of the Pokemon against_?: Eighteen features that denote the amount of damage taken against an attack of a particular type hp: The Base HP of the Pokemon attack: The Base Attack of the Pokemon defense: The Base Defense of the Pokemon sp_attack: The Base Special Attack of the Pokemon sp_defense: The Base Special Defense of the Pokemon speed: The Base Speed of the Pokemon generation: The numbered generation which the Pokemon was first introduced is_legendary: Denotes if the Pokemon is legendary. Acknowledgements The data was scraped from Inspiration Pokemon holds a very special place in my heart as it is probably the only video game I have judiciously followed for more than 10 years. With this dataset, I wanted to be able to answer the following questions: Is it possible to build a classifier to identify legendary Pokemon? How does height and weight of a Pokemon correlate with its various base stats? What factors influence the Experience Growth and Egg Steps? Are these quantities correlated? Which type is the strongest overall? Which is the weakest? Which type is the most likely to be a legendary Pokemon? Can you build a Pokemon dream team? A team of 6 Pokemon that inflicts the most damage while remaining relatively impervious to any other team of 6 Pokemon.

41 features

abilitiesstring482 unique values
0 missing
against_bugnumeric5 unique values
0 missing
against_darknumeric5 unique values
0 missing
against_dragonnumeric4 unique values
0 missing
against_electricnumeric6 unique values
0 missing
against_fairynumeric5 unique values
0 missing
against_fightnumeric6 unique values
0 missing
against_firenumeric5 unique values
0 missing
against_flyingnumeric5 unique values
0 missing
against_ghostnumeric5 unique values
0 missing
against_grassnumeric5 unique values
0 missing
against_groundnumeric6 unique values
0 missing
against_icenumeric5 unique values
0 missing
against_normalnumeric4 unique values
0 missing
against_poisonnumeric6 unique values
0 missing
against_psychicnumeric6 unique values
0 missing
against_rocknumeric5 unique values
0 missing
against_steelnumeric5 unique values
0 missing
against_waternumeric5 unique values
0 missing
attacknumeric114 unique values
0 missing
base_egg_stepsnumeric10 unique values
0 missing
base_happinessnumeric6 unique values
0 missing
base_totalnumeric203 unique values
0 missing
capture_ratestring34 unique values
0 missing
classficationstring588 unique values
0 missing
defensenumeric109 unique values
0 missing
experience_growthnumeric6 unique values
0 missing
height_mnumeric51 unique values
20 missing
hpnumeric99 unique values
0 missing
japanese_namestring800 unique values
0 missing
namestring800 unique values
0 missing
percentage_malenumeric7 unique values
98 missing
pokedex_numbernumeric801 unique values
0 missing
sp_attacknumeric111 unique values
0 missing
sp_defensenumeric97 unique values
0 missing
speednumeric113 unique values
0 missing
type1string18 unique values
0 missing
type2string18 unique values
384 missing
weight_kgnumeric421 unique values
20 missing
generationnumeric7 unique values
0 missing
is_legendarynumeric2 unique values
0 missing

19 properties

Number of instances (rows) of the dataset.
Number of attributes (columns) of the dataset.
Number of distinct values of the target attribute (if it is nominal).
Number of missing values in the dataset.
Number of instances with at least one value missing.
Number of numeric attributes.
Number of nominal attributes.
Number of attributes divided by the number of instances.
Percentage of numeric attributes.
Percentage of instances belonging to the most frequent class.
Percentage of nominal attributes.
Number of instances belonging to the most frequent class.
Percentage of instances belonging to the least frequent class.
Number of instances belonging to the least frequent class.
Number of binary attributes.
Percentage of binary attributes.
Percentage of instances having missing values.
Average class difference between consecutive instances.
Percentage of missing values.

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