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Overview Identification COUNTRY Rwanda TITLE Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey 2010-2011 TRANSLATED TITLE Enqute Intgrale sur les conditions de vie des mnages 2010-2011 STUDY TYPE Income/Expenditure/Household Survey SERIES INFORMATION This is the third in a series of periodic standardized income and expenditure surveys. The Rwanda EICV is conducted with a periodicity of 5 years. The surveys in the series are as follows: EICV1 2000-2001 EICV2 2005-2006 EICV3 2010-2011 ID NUMBER RWA-NISR-EICV3-02 Version VERSION DESCRIPTION Version 2.0: Final public-use dataset PRODUCTION DATE 2012-10-19 NOTES Version 2.0 The date of this version corresponds to the date of NISR approval of the final public-use datasets. Overview ABSTRACT The 2010/11 Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey or EICV3 (Enqute Intgrale sur les Conditions de Vie des Mnages) is the third in the series of surveys which started in 2000/01 and is designed to monitor poverty and living conditions in Rwanda. The survey methodology has changed little over its 10 years, making it ideal for monitoring changes in the country. In 2010/11, for the first time the achieved sample size of 14,308 households in the EICV3 was sufficient to provide estimates which are reliable at the level of the district. KIND OF DATA Sample survey data [ssd] UNITS OF ANALYSIS For the purposes of this study, the following units of analysis are considered: -communities -households -persons Scope NOTES The scope of survey is defined by the need to evaluate poverty determinants and effects of poverty in various domains. This includes gathering data in specific sectors and examning summary statistics and computed indicators by consumption indicator, gender etc. The survey primarily seeks to compute household consumption aggregates and correlate consumption to the following areas are within the scope and integrated into the survey: Education (education expenditures): general education, curriculum, vocational training and, higher learning, school-leaving, literacy and apprenticeship. Health (health expenditures): disability and health problems, general health and preventative vaccination over the past 12 months. Migration (travel expenditures): rural-urban migration, internal and external migration. Housing (expenditures on utilities, rent etc.): status of the housing occupancy, services and installations, physical characteristics of the dwelling, access and satisfaction towards basic services. Economic activity (revenue): unemployment, underemployment and job search, occupation, wage or salaried employment characteristics, VUP Activities, all other activities, domestic work. Non-agricultural activities (revenue): activity status, formal and informal sector activity. Agriculture (income and expenditure) : livestock, land and agricultural equipment, details of holding parcels/blocs and agricultural policy changes, crop harvests and use on a large and small scale crop production, harvests and use, transformation (processing) of agricultural products. In addition to the specific sector information, consumption and/or wealth holding information was collected: Consumption: Expenditure on non food items, food expenditure, subsistence farming (own consumption) with different recall periods. Other cash flows : transfers out by household, transfers received by the household, income support programs other revenues (excluding all incomes accrued from saving), VUP, UBUDEHE RSSP schemes, other expenditure (excluding expenditures related to any form of saving). Stock items: credit, durable assets and savings (household assets and liabilities) TOPICS Topic Vocabulary URI consumption/consumer behaviour [1.1] CESSDA economic conditions and indicators [1.2] CESSDA EDUCATION [6] CESSDA general health [8.4] CESSDA employment [3.1] CESSDA unemployment [3.5] CESSDA housing [10.1] CESSDA time use [13.9] CESSDA migration [14.3] CESSDA information technology [16.2] CESSDA Coverage GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE This is a national survey with representivity at the (5) provicial and (30) district level and includes urban and rural households. GEOGRAPHIC UNIT The cluster UNIVERSE All household members. Producers and Sponsors PRIMARY INVESTIGATOR(S) Name Affiliation National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) Ministry of finance and economics planning (MINECOFIN) OTHER PRODUCER(S) Name Affiliation Role Oxford Policy Management DFID Permanante assistance Geoffrey Greenwell UNDP Designer of data system David Megill UNDP Statistician Metadata Production METADATA PRODUCED BY Name Abbreviation Affiliation Role Juste NITIEMA Oxford Policy Management (OPM) Developed the document Geoffrey Greenwell UNDP Reviewed and edited document Ruben Muhayiteto NISR Revision of metadata DATE OF METADATA PRODUCTION 2011-06-02 DDI DOCUMENT VERSION Version 1.0 (Oct. 19,2012) This version of the document represents the first draft of the public-use dataset of the EICV 3 study. Version 1.1 (June 28th ,2016): Changed the title from French into English DDI DOCUMENT ID RWA-NISR-DDI-EICV3-02

23 features

HHID (ignore)numeric9804 unique values
0 missing
PROVINCEstring5 unique values
0 missing
DISTRICTnumeric30 unique values
0 missing
URB2002string2 unique values
0 missing
QUINTILEstring5 unique values
0 missing
POVERTYstring3 unique values
0 missing
HH_WTnumeric1193 unique values
0 missing
CLUSTERnumeric1205 unique values
0 missing
ITEMstring8 unique values
0 missing
S8A1Q2numeric3 unique values
0 missing
S8A1Q3numeric58 unique values
56903 missing
S8A1Q4numeric4 unique values
60524 missing
S8A1Q5numeric372 unique values
60524 missing
S8A1Q6numeric3 unique values
56903 missing
S8A1Q7numeric41 unique values
68867 missing
S8A1Q8numeric421 unique values
68867 missing
S8A1Q9numeric3 unique values
56903 missing
S8A1Q10numeric27 unique values
71023 missing
S8A1Q11numeric343 unique values
71023 missing
S8A1Q12numeric3 unique values
56903 missing
S8A1Q13numeric51 unique values
71995 missing
S8A1Q14string7 unique values
71995 missing
S8A1Q15numeric3 unique values
56903 missing
S8A1Q16numeric56 unique values
78279 missing

19 properties

Number of instances (rows) of the dataset.
Number of attributes (columns) of the dataset.
Number of distinct values of the target attribute (if it is nominal).
Number of missing values in the dataset.
Number of instances with at least one value missing.
Number of numeric attributes.
Number of nominal attributes.
Percentage of binary attributes.
Percentage of instances having missing values.
Percentage of missing values.
Average class difference between consecutive instances.
Percentage of numeric attributes.
Number of attributes divided by the number of instances.
Percentage of nominal attributes.
Percentage of instances belonging to the most frequent class.
Number of instances belonging to the most frequent class.
Percentage of instances belonging to the least frequent class.
Number of instances belonging to the least frequent class.
Number of binary attributes.

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