In the dataset freMTPL2freq risk features and claim numbers were collected for 677,991 motor third-part liability policies (observed on a year).
freMTPL2freq contains 11 columns (+IDpol): IDpol The policy ID (used to link with the claims dataset). ClaimNb Number of claims during the exposure period. Exposure The exposure period. Area The area code. VehPower The power of the car (ordered categorical). VehAge The vehicle age, in years. DrivAge The driver age, in years (in France, people can drive a car at 18). BonusMalus Bonus/malus, between 50 and 350: 100 means malus in France. VehBrand The car brand (unknown categories). VehGas The car gas, Diesel or regular. Density The density of inhabitants (number of inhabitants per km2) in the city the driver of the car lives in. Region The policy regions in France (based on a standard French classification)
R-Package CASDatasets, Version 1.0-6 (2016) by Christophe Dutang [aut, cre], Arthur Charpentier [ctb]
The Swiss Actuarial Society's data science tutorials ( ) are build on the original dataset (see above) . This copy enables the use of notebooks (kernels) to further study this interesting topic.