"In the Bechdel Cast, the question asked, do movies have women in them? Are all their discussions involve boyfriends or husbands or do they have individualism? The Patriarchy's vast. Let's start changing it with the Bechdel Cast."
This dataset contains the Episode information for the comedy podcast, "The Bechdel Cast", it is a feminist podcast that examines movies through a feminist lens. One of the ways the co-hosts examine movies is by seeing if it passes the Bechdel Test. They also rate each movie at the end with a "Nipple" scale to judge how well the movie represents women.
The dataset contains pertinent information such as the movie name, the weekly guest's name, the date it aired, the genre of the movie, whether it passed the Bechdel test, and the nipple rating for each host and guest, as well as the average rating for the movie that they discussed that episode.
Thank you, Caitlin Durante and Jamie Loftus for hosting each week, and Wikipedia for having the episode information.