This dataset has been scrapped off to obtain land information such as price, size, street width, and locations. The uncleaned dataset scrapped 4347 rows, but seems like 1395 were duplicated and deleted. Leaving us with 2952 rows. The majority of the data is unfortunately lands based in Riyadh, but there are a good number of lands in Jeddah and Khobar. The dataset is set in Arabia, and decided to keep it that way to keep the integrity of the data. However, the street width, land size, and price have all been converted to numerical values, leaving some of those values as null if couldn't convert them.
Here is the data description:
mainlocation object The main location of the land
sublocation object Indicates the subregion of the location. Note that only the big cities (ex. Riyadh and Jeddah) have subregions, NaN values are meant to be empty
neighborhood object The neighborhood where the land resides
frontage object The cardinal direction where the land faces the street
purpose object The purpose for land use
streetwidth int The length of the street facing the land in meters
size int The size of the land in meters squared
Pricepm int The price per meters squared