The dataset contains 4689 real estate objects in Riga.
Columns description:
op_type - offer type ('For rent', 'For sale', 'Buying', 'Renting', 'Change', 'Other').
district - district, where real estate object located.
street - address of real estate object.
rooms - number of rooms.
area - living area of real estate object.
floor - floor of rel estate object.
total_floors - total amount of floors in building.
house_seria - house design ('LT proj.', '602.', 'P. kara', 'Jaun.', 'Specpr.', 'Hru.', '119.', 'M. im.', 'Renov.', '103.', nan, 'Priv. m.', '467.', 'Staina', '104.', 'ehu pr.').
house_type - type of building ('Brick-Panel', 'Panel', 'Wood', 'Masonry', 'Brick', 'Panel-Brick').
condition - stuffing premises ('All amenities', 'Partial amenities', 'Without amenities').
price - price in EUR.
lat / lon - latitude and longitude of real estate object.