

active ARFF CC0: Public Domain Visibility: public Uploaded 23-03-2022 by Onur Yildirim
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  • Computer Systems Machine Learning
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Context We collect recent tweets of Donald Trump, the 45th President of United States of America. The data is collected using tweepy Python package to access Twitter API. Inspiration Study the subjects of recent tweets of Donald Trump, the 45th President of United States of America, perform various NLP tasks on this data source.

16 features

idnumeric1984 unique values
0 missing
user_namestring1 unique values
0 missing
user_locationstring1 unique values
0 missing
user_descriptionstring1 unique values
0 missing
user_createdstring1 unique values
0 missing
user_followersnumeric102 unique values
0 missing
user_friendsnumeric2 unique values
0 missing
user_favouritesnumeric3 unique values
0 missing
user_verifiednominal1 unique values
0 missing
datestring1924 unique values
0 missing
textstring1971 unique values
0 missing
hashtagsstring20 unique values
1914 missing
sourcestring3 unique values
0 missing
retweetsnumeric1940 unique values
0 missing
favoritesnumeric1961 unique values
0 missing
is_retweetnominal1 unique values
0 missing

19 properties

Number of instances (rows) of the dataset.
Number of attributes (columns) of the dataset.
Number of distinct values of the target attribute (if it is nominal).
Number of missing values in the dataset.
Number of instances with at least one value missing.
Number of numeric attributes.
Number of nominal attributes.
Number of attributes divided by the number of instances.
Percentage of numeric attributes.
Percentage of instances belonging to the most frequent class.
Percentage of nominal attributes.
Number of instances belonging to the most frequent class.
Percentage of instances belonging to the least frequent class.
Number of instances belonging to the least frequent class.
Number of binary attributes.
Percentage of binary attributes.
Percentage of instances having missing values.
Average class difference between consecutive instances.
Percentage of missing values.

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