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Author: Mark Blair, Joe Thompson, Andrew Henrey, Bill Chen Source: [UCI]( - 2013 Please cite: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Skillcraft1 master table dataset We aggregated screen movements into screen-fixations using a Salvucci & Goldberg (2000) dispersion-threshold algorithm, and defined Perception Action Cycles (PACs) as fixations with at least one action. Time is recorded in terms of timestamps in the StarCraft 2 replay file. When the game is played on 'faster', 1 real-time second is equivalent to roughly 88.5 timestamps. List of possible game actions is discussed in Thompson, Blair, Chen, & Henrey (2013) ### Attribute Information: 1. GameID: Unique ID number for each game (integer) 2. LeagueIndex: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, GrandMaster, and Professional leagues coded 1-8 (Ordinal) 3. Age: Age of each player (integer) 4. HoursPerWeek: Reported hours spent playing per week (integer) 5. TotalHours: Reported total hours spent playing (integer) 6. APM: Action per minute (continuous) 7. SelectByHotkeys: Number of unit or building selections made using hotkeys per timestamp (continuous) 8. AssignToHotkeys: Number of units or buildings assigned to hotkeys per timestamp (continuous) 9. UniqueHotkeys: Number of unique hotkeys used per timestamp (continuous) 10. MinimapAttacks: Number of attack actions on minimap per timestamp (continuous) 11. MinimapRightClicks: number of right-clicks on minimap per timestamp (continuous) 12. NumberOfPACs: Number of PACs per timestamp (continuous) 13. GapBetweenPACs: Mean duration in milliseconds between PACs (continuous) 14. ActionLatency: Mean latency from the onset of a PACs to their first action in milliseconds (continuous) 15. ActionsInPAC: Mean number of actions within each PAC (continuous) 16. TotalMapExplored: The number of 24x24 game coordinate grids viewed by the player per timestamp (continuous) 17. WorkersMade: Number of SCVs, drones, and probes trained per timestamp (continuous) 18. UniqueUnitsMade: Unique unites made per timestamp (continuous) 19. ComplexUnitsMade: Number of ghosts, infestors, and high templars trained per timestamp (continuous) 20. ComplexAbilitiesUsed: Abilities requiring specific targeting instructions used per timestamp (continuous)

20 features

GameIDnumeric3395 unique values
0 missing
LeagueIndexnumeric8 unique values
0 missing
Agestring28 unique values
55 missing
HoursPerWeekstring32 unique values
56 missing
TotalHoursstring237 unique values
57 missing
APMnumeric3374 unique values
0 missing
SelectByHotkeysnumeric3375 unique values
0 missing
AssignToHotkeysnumeric3361 unique values
0 missing
UniqueHotkeysnumeric11 unique values
0 missing
MinimapAttacksnumeric2471 unique values
0 missing
MinimapRightClicksnumeric3302 unique values
0 missing
NumberOfPACsnumeric3386 unique values
0 missing
GapBetweenPACsnumeric3358 unique values
0 missing
ActionLatencynumeric3367 unique values
0 missing
ActionsInPACnumeric3223 unique values
0 missing
TotalMapExplorednumeric52 unique values
0 missing
WorkersMadenumeric3256 unique values
0 missing
UniqueUnitsMadenumeric12 unique values
0 missing
ComplexUnitsMadenumeric1110 unique values
0 missing
ComplexAbilitiesUsednumeric1828 unique values
0 missing

19 properties

Number of instances (rows) of the dataset.
Number of attributes (columns) of the dataset.
Number of distinct values of the target attribute (if it is nominal).
Number of missing values in the dataset.
Number of instances with at least one value missing.
Number of numeric attributes.
Number of nominal attributes.
Percentage of binary attributes.
Percentage of instances having missing values.
Percentage of missing values.
Average class difference between consecutive instances.
Percentage of numeric attributes.
Number of attributes divided by the number of instances.
Percentage of nominal attributes.
Percentage of instances belonging to the most frequent class.
Number of instances belonging to the most frequent class.
Percentage of instances belonging to the least frequent class.
Number of instances belonging to the least frequent class.
Number of binary attributes.

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