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Author: Dongjin Cho,Cheolhee Yoo Source: [UCI]( - 2020 Please cite: [Paper]( Bias correction of numerical prediction model temperature forecast dataset This data is for the purpose of bias correction of next-day maximum and minimum air temperatures forecast of the LDAPS model operated by the Korea Meteorological Administration over Seoul, South Korea. This data consists of summer data from 2013 to 2017. The input data is largely composed of the LDAPS model's next-day forecast data, in-situ maximum and minimum temperatures of present-day, and geographic auxiliary variables. There are two outputs (i.e. next-day maximum and minimum air temperatures) in this data. Hindcast validation was conducted for the period from 2015 to 2017. ### Attribute information 1. station - used weather station number: 1 to 25 2. Date - Present day: yyyy-mm-dd ('2013-06-30' to '2017-08-30') 3. Present_Tmax - Maximum air temperature between 0 and 21 h on the present day (degrees Celsius): 20 to 37.6 4. Present_Tmin - Minimum air temperature between 0 and 21 h on the present day (degrees Celsius): 11.3 to 29.9 5. LDAPS_RHmin - LDAPS model forecast of next-day minimum relative humidity (%): 19.8 to 98.5 6. LDAPS_RHmax - LDAPS model forecast of next-day maximum relative humidity (%): 58.9 to 100 7. LDAPS_Tmax_lapse - LDAPS model forecast of next-day maximum air temperature applied lapse rate (degrees Celsius): 17.6 to 38.5 8. LDAPS_Tmin_lapse - LDAPS model forecast of next-day minimum air temperature applied lapse rate (degrees Celsius): 14.3 to 29.6 9. LDAPS_WS - LDAPS model forecast of next-day average wind speed (m/s): 2.9 to 21.9 10. LDAPS_LH - LDAPS model forecast of next-day average latent heat flux (W/m2): -13.6 to 213.4 11. LDAPS_CC1 - LDAPS model forecast of next-day 1st 6-hour split average cloud cover (0-5 h) (%): 0 to 0.97 12. LDAPS_CC2 - LDAPS model forecast of next-day 2nd 6-hour split average cloud cover (6-11 h) (%): 0 to 0.97 13. LDAPS_CC3 - LDAPS model forecast of next-day 3rd 6-hour split average cloud cover (12-17 h) (%): 0 to 0.98 14. LDAPS_CC4 - LDAPS model forecast of next-day 4th 6-hour split average cloud cover (18-23 h) (%): 0 to 0.97 15. LDAPS_PPT1 - LDAPS model forecast of next-day 1st 6-hour split average precipitation (0-5 h) (%): 0 to 23.7 16. LDAPS_PPT2 - LDAPS model forecast of next-day 2nd 6-hour split average precipitation (6-11 h) (%): 0 to 21.6 17. LDAPS_PPT3 - LDAPS model forecast of next-day 3rd 6-hour split average precipitation (12-17 h) (%): 0 to 15.8 18. LDAPS_PPT4 - LDAPS model forecast of next-day 4th 6-hour split average precipitation (18-23 h) (%): 0 to 16.7 19. lat - Latitude (degrees): 37.456 to 37.645 20. lon - Longitude (degrees): 126.826 to 127.135 21. DEM - Elevation (m): 12.4 to 212.3 22. Slope - Slope (degrees): 0.1 to 5.2 23. Solar radiation - Daily incoming solar radiation (wh/m2): 4329.5 to 5992.9 24. Next_Tmax - The next-day maximum air temperature (degrees Celsius): 17.4 to 38.9 25. Next_Tmin - The next-day minimum air temperature (degrees Celsius): 11.3 to 29.8

25 features

stationnumeric25 unique values
2 missing
Datestring310 unique values
2 missing
Present_Tmaxnumeric167 unique values
70 missing
Present_Tminnumeric155 unique values
70 missing
LDAPS_RHminnumeric7672 unique values
75 missing
LDAPS_RHmaxnumeric7664 unique values
75 missing
LDAPS_Tmax_lapsenumeric7675 unique values
75 missing
LDAPS_Tmin_lapsenumeric7675 unique values
75 missing
LDAPS_WSnumeric7675 unique values
75 missing
LDAPS_LHnumeric7675 unique values
75 missing
LDAPS_CC1numeric7569 unique values
75 missing
LDAPS_CC2numeric7582 unique values
75 missing
LDAPS_CC3numeric7599 unique values
75 missing
LDAPS_CC4numeric7524 unique values
75 missing
LDAPS_PPT1numeric2812 unique values
75 missing
LDAPS_PPT2numeric2510 unique values
75 missing
LDAPS_PPT3numeric2356 unique values
75 missing
LDAPS_PPT4numeric1918 unique values
75 missing
latnumeric12 unique values
0 missing
lonnumeric25 unique values
0 missing
DEMnumeric25 unique values
0 missing
Slopenumeric27 unique values
0 missing
Solar radiationnumeric1575 unique values
0 missing
Next_Tmaxnumeric183 unique values
27 missing
Next_Tminnumeric157 unique values
27 missing

19 properties

Number of instances (rows) of the dataset.
Number of attributes (columns) of the dataset.
Number of distinct values of the target attribute (if it is nominal).
Number of missing values in the dataset.
Number of instances with at least one value missing.
Number of numeric attributes.
Number of nominal attributes.
Number of attributes divided by the number of instances.
Percentage of numeric attributes.
Percentage of instances belonging to the most frequent class.
Percentage of nominal attributes.
Number of instances belonging to the most frequent class.
Percentage of instances belonging to the least frequent class.
Number of instances belonging to the least frequent class.
Number of binary attributes.
Percentage of binary attributes.
Percentage of instances having missing values.
Average class difference between consecutive instances.
Percentage of missing values.

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