{ "data_id": "1047", "name": "usp05", "exact_name": "usp05", "version": 1, "version_label": null, "description": "**Author**: \n**Source**: Unknown - Date unknown \n**Please cite**: \n\n%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\nThis is a PROMISE Software Engineering Repository data set made publicly\navailable in order to encourage repeatable, verifiable, refutable, and\/or\nimprovable predictive models of software engineering.\n\nIf you publish material based on PROMISE data sets then, please\nfollow the acknowledgment guidelines posted on the PROMISE repository\nweb page http:\/\/promisedata.org\/repository .\n%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n\n%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n(c) 2007 Jingzhou Li\n(jingli@ucalgary.ca)\nThis data set is distributed under the\nCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License\nhttp:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/3.0\/\n\nYou are free:\n\n* to Share -- copy, distribute and transmit the work\n* to Remix -- to adapt the work\n\nUnder the following conditions:\n\nAttribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by\nthe author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse\nyou or your use of the work).\n\nShare Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you\nmay distribute the resulting work only under the same, similar or a\ncompatible license.\n\n* For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the\nlicense terms of this work.\n* Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from\nthe copyright holder.\n* Apart from the remix rights granted under this license, nothing in\nthis license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights.\n\n\n1. Title: USP05: Software effort estimation at project, feature and requirement levels\n\n2. Source Information\n-- Donor: Jingzhou Li (jingli@ucalgary.ca), Guenther Ruhe (ruhe@ucalgary.ca)\ncomputer science department\nUniversity of Calgary, Canada\n(403) 210-5440\n-- Date: December 2005\n\n3. Past Usage:\n[1]. J.Z. Li, G. Ruhe, A. Al-Emran, M. M. Ritcher, A Flexible Method for Effort Estimation by Analogy, Empirical Software Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2007, pp 65-106.\n[2]. J.Z. Li, G. Ruhe, \"A Comparative Study of Attribute Weighting Heuristics for Effort Estimation by Analogy\", Proceedings of the ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (ISESE'06), September 2006, Brazil.\n\n4. Relevant Information:\n-- This data set was splited into USP05-RQ nad USP05-FT for requirements and feature respectively. USP05-RQ and USP05-T were used for software effort estimation by analogy in the above two references.\n-- This data set was collected from university student projects\n-- The detailed description of the whole data set can be found in reference [1].\n\n5. Number of Instances: 203 (6 projects, 121 requirements, 76 features)\n\n6. Number of Attributes: 17 (including ID and Object Type, Effort is the actual effort)\n\n7. Attribute Information:\n1. ID: Three digit Object ID,\n2. ObjType: Object type (PJ-project, FT-feature, RQ-requirement)\n3. Effort: Actual effort in hours expended on tasks related to implementing the object by all participating persons.\n4. Funct%: Percentage of Functionality of features or requirements ({1-Internal process, 2-Data entry\/ Modification\/ Deletion, 3-Output form(screen), 4-Data query from database\/ file, 5-Printing, 6-Report, 7-Other})\n5. IntComplx: Complexity of Internal Calculation (1-VeryLow, 2-Low, 3-Medium, 4-High, 5-VeryHigh )\n6. DataFile: Number of Data Files\/Database Tables Accessed (Positive integer)\n7. DataEn: Number of Data Entry Items (Positive integer)\n8. DataOut: Number of Data Output Items (Positive integer)\n9. UFP: Unadjusted Function Point Count (Positive integer)\n10. Lang: Language Used (C++, Java, VB, Java Script, VB Script, SQL, Php, Perl, Asp, Html, XML, Others)\n11. Tools: Development Tools and Platforms (VJ++, VB, Delphi, VisualCafe, JUnit, PowerBuilder, BorlandC++, Others)\n12. ToolExpr: Language and Tool Experience Level (Range of number of months of experience, e.g. [2, 5] for 2 to 5 months, as the minimum experience level is 2 and 5 the maximum in the team)\n13. AppExpr: Applications Experience Level (1-VeryLow, 2-Low, 3-Medium, 4-High, 5-VeryHigh)\n14. TeamSize: Team size for implementing the object (Range: [a, b], min-max number of persons, e.g. [2, 5])\n15. DBMS: Database Systems (Oracle, Access, SQLServer, MySQL, Others)\n16. Method: Methodology (OO, SA, SD, RAD, JAD, MVC, Others)\n17. AppType: ype of System\/Application Architecture (B\/S, C\/S, BC\/S, Centered, Other)\n\n\n8. Missing Attribute Values: 83\n\n9. Data", "format": "ARFF", "uploader": "Joaquin Vanschoren", "uploader_id": 2, "visibility": "public", "creator": "Jingzhou Li, Guenther Ruhe", "contributor": null, "date": "2014-10-06 23:57:08", "update_comment": null, "last_update": "2014-10-06 23:57:08", "licence": "Public", "status": "active", "error_message": null, "url": "https:\/\/www.openml.org\/data\/download\/53930\/usp05.arff", "default_target_attribute": "AppType", "row_id_attribute": null, "ignore_attribute": null, "runs": 519, "suggest": { "input": [ "usp05", "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This is a PROMISE Software Engineering Repository data set made publicly available in order to encourage repeatable, verifiable, refutable, and\/or improvable predictive models of software engineering. If you publish material based on PROMISE data sets then, please follow the acknowledgment guidelines posted on the PROMISE repository web page http:\/\/promisedata.org\/repository . %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% " ], "weight": 5 }, "qualities": { "NumberOfInstances": 203, "NumberOfFeatures": 17, "NumberOfClasses": 11, "NumberOfMissingValues": 0, "NumberOfInstancesWithMissingValues": 0, "NumberOfNumericFeatures": 3, "NumberOfSymbolicFeatures": 14, "REPTreeDepth3Kappa": 0.32509395779126904, "DecisionStumpKappa": 0.41358161859472903, "MaxMeansOfNumericAtts": 467.221674876847, "MinMutualInformation": 0.12473546737691, "Quartile2SkewnessOfNumericAtts": 0.29022038717401455, "RandomTreeDepth1AUC": 0.8952845179494952, "Dimensionality": 0.08374384236453201, "MaxMutualInformation": 1.8607515850574, "MinNominalAttDistinctValues": 3, "PercentageOfBinaryFeatures": 0, "Quartile2StdDevOfNumericAtts": 34.12128222528374, "RandomTreeDepth1ErrRate": 0.26108374384236455, "EquivalentNumberOfAtts": 2.089256445328032, "MaxNominalAttDistinctValues": 112, "MinSkewnessOfNumericAtts": -0.0682201826920375, "PercentageOfInstancesWithMissingValues": 0, "Quartile3AttributeEntropy": 3.9645411895498297, "RandomTreeDepth1Kappa": 0.5299694189602445, "J48.00001.AUC": 0.9096149911363623, "MaxSkewnessOfNumericAtts": 8.697366955089219, "MinStdDevOfNumericAtts": 1.388102222928953, "PercentageOfMissingValues": 0, "Quartile3KurtosisOfNumericAtts": 90.08702842537282, "AutoCorrelation": 0.7227722772277227, "RandomTreeDepth2AUC": 0.8952845179494952, "J48.00001.ErrRate": 0.18719211822660098, "MaxStdDevOfNumericAtts": 265.54445307250717, "MinorityClassPercentage": 0.49261083743842365, "PercentageOfNumericFeatures": 17.647058823529413, "Quartile3MeansOfNumericAtts": 467.221674876847, "CfsSubsetEval_DecisionStumpAUC": 0.892882237026761, "RandomTreeDepth2ErrRate": 0.26108374384236455, "J48.00001.Kappa": 0.679597939857119, "MeanAttributeEntropy": 3.3719743705702885, "MinorityClassSize": 1, "PercentageOfSymbolicFeatures": 82.35294117647058, "Quartile3MutualInformation": 1.435412935985915, "CfsSubsetEval_DecisionStumpErrRate": 0.18719211822660098, "RandomTreeDepth2Kappa": 0.5299694189602445, "J48.0001.AUC": 0.9096149911363623, "MeanKurtosisOfNumericAtts": 29.14442508374967, "NaiveBayesAUC": 0.9119784212610003, "Quartile1AttributeEntropy": 2.5001425167839217, "Quartile3SkewnessOfNumericAtts": 8.697366955089219, "CfsSubsetEval_DecisionStumpKappa": 0.6733293808757517, "RandomTreeDepth3AUC": 0.8952845179494952, "J48.0001.ErrRate": 0.18719211822660098, "MeanMeansOfNumericAtts": 160.59934318554997, "NaiveBayesErrRate": 0.18226600985221675, "Quartile1KurtosisOfNumericAtts": -1.359906565276619, "Quartile3StdDevOfNumericAtts": 265.54445307250717, "CfsSubsetEval_NaiveBayesAUC": 0.892882237026761, "RandomTreeDepth3ErrRate": 0.26108374384236455, "J48.0001.Kappa": 0.679597939857119, "MeanMutualInformation": 0.9271980095707577, "NaiveBayesKappa": 0.7091352670100298, "Quartile1MeansOfNumericAtts": 2.9876847290640383, "REPTreeDepth1AUC": 0.8289328732588535, "CfsSubsetEval_NaiveBayesErrRate": 0.18719211822660098, "RandomTreeDepth3Kappa": 0.5299694189602445, "J48.001.AUC": 0.9096149911363623, "MeanNoiseToSignalRatio": 2.636735989253611, "NumberOfBinaryFeatures": 0, "Quartile1MutualInformation": 0.46231403205300503, "REPTreeDepth1ErrRate": 0.3399014778325123, "CfsSubsetEval_NaiveBayesKappa": 0.6733293808757517, "CfsSubsetEval_kNN1NAUC": 0.892882237026761, "StdvNominalAttDistinctValues": 29.019224397205804, "J48.001.ErrRate": 0.18719211822660098, "MeanNominalAttDistinctValues": 29.5, "Quartile1SkewnessOfNumericAtts": -0.0682201826920375, "REPTreeDepth1Kappa": 0.32509395779126904, "CfsSubsetEval_kNN1NErrRate": 0.18719211822660098, "kNN1NAUC": 0.8789447805703166, "J48.001.Kappa": 0.679597939857119, "MeanSkewnessOfNumericAtts": 2.9731223865237317, "Quartile1StdDevOfNumericAtts": 1.388102222928953, "REPTreeDepth2AUC": 0.8289328732588535, "CfsSubsetEval_kNN1NKappa": 0.6733293808757517, "kNN1NErrRate": 0.14285714285714285, "MajorityClassPercentage": 55.172413793103445, "MeanStdDevOfNumericAtts": 100.35127917357329, "Quartile2AttributeEntropy": 3.1526597209456466, "REPTreeDepth2ErrRate": 0.3399014778325123, "ClassEntropy": 1.9371544175910278, "kNN1NKappa": 0.7674317544344803, "MajorityClassSize": 112, "MinAttributeEntropy": 1.1257560268587459, "Quartile2KurtosisOfNumericAtts": -1.293846608847189, "REPTreeDepth2Kappa": 0.32509395779126904, "REPTreeDepth3AUC": 0.8289328732588535, "DecisionStumpAUC": 0.6905092695189924, "MaxAttributeEntropy": 6.253294643395292, "MinKurtosisOfNumericAtts": -1.359906565276619, "Quartile2MeansOfNumericAtts": 11.588669950738927, "REPTreeDepth3ErrRate": 0.3399014778325123, "DecisionStumpErrRate": 0.32019704433497537, "MaxKurtosisOfNumericAtts": 90.08702842537282, "MinMeansOfNumericAtts": 2.9876847290640383, "Quartile2MutualInformation": 0.76857870402829 }, "tags": [ { "uploader": "38960", "tag": 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